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Arġentina – Betsson ingħata liċenzja online f'Cordoba

By - 7 ta’ Frar 2023

Betsson, through subsidiaries, has been granted an online gaming license in the province of Cordoba in Argentina, which is the third license for the Group in Argentina. The new license, granted to Betsson and its partner Casino de Victoria, is one out of eight licenses that have been awarded by the local regulator Loteria de Cordoba skond stqarrija għall-istampa.

The cooperation between international online gaming operator Betsson and Casino de Victoria, a leading land-based operator in Argentina and part of Grupo Mautone, started back in 2019. The two companies joined forces to work on the applications for online gaming licenses in the Province of Buenos Aires and in the City of Buenos Aires, both of which have been granted and operations were launched during 2022.

Pontus Lindwall, President and CEO of Betsson AB, said: “We are very pleased to have received a license to operate in the locally regulated market in the province of Cordoba, together with our partner, Casino de Victoria. When merging their long experience in the Argentinean market with our know-how in online gaming, we can truly reach our ambition of becoming a market leader in this rapidly growing online market.”

The government passed rules that give online casinos and sports betting the green light in May 2022. In September the province preselected eight companies biex topera logħob online. Kemm il-kumpaniji Arġentini kif ukoll dawk barranin ġew mistiedna jieħdu sehem fit-tender filwaqt li The Lotterija ta' Córdoba se jissorvelja l-logħob online.

The process though has been beset with delays as online gambling was supposed to be underway before the World Cup. However ordinanza tal-belt 11,684 regoli li l-logħob tal-azzard huwa illegali fil-limiti tal-belt. B'riżultat ta' dan, il-Muniċipalità ta' Córdoba enfasizzat li r-regolamenti muniċipali jipprevjenu l-logħob tal-azzard onlajn milli jkompli, għalkemm ma tawx aktar dettalji u lanqas ħarġu xi stqarrijiet dwar il-kwistjoni meta ġew ikkonsultati mill-istampa lokali.

In addition in December after filing a complaint with the qrati ta’ Córdoba, Kunsillier Juan Pablo Quinteros demanded that the mayor of the city of the provincial capital Martín Llaryora, finalment tikkanċella l-liġi li tippermetti logħob tal-azzard onlajn madwar il-provinċja.

Il-kunsillier ibbaża l-argumenti tiegħu fuq regolament li jipprojbixxi l-logħob tal-azzard li jinsab f’raġġ ta’ 20 kilometru mill-pjazza ċentrali San Martín, fil-belt ta’ Córdoba.

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