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Arġentina – Leġiżlatur ta’ Córdoba għadu qed ifittex li jimblokka l-logħob tal-azzard onlajn

By - 15 ta’ Diċembru 2022

After filing a complaint with the qrati ta’ Córdoba, Councillor Juan Pablo Quinteros has demanded that the mayor of the city of the provincial capital Martín Llaryora, finally cancel the law that would allow for online gambling throughout the province.

“We were not and will not be indifferent to some unscrupulous people trying to continue to profit from the needs of the poorest. The residents of our city do not deserve such an insult, and those of us who are their representatives must rise to the occasion,” Quinteros said.

The councillor based his arguments on a regulation that prohibits gambling located within a radius of 20 kilometres from the central San Martín square, in the city of Córdoba.

Quinteros had already filed the claim with a provincial court, but it was dismissed since they stated that it should be the mayor himself who has the ultimate say in the matter. Authorities are still moving ahead with the launch.

Il-gvern għadda regoli li jagħtu dawl aħdar lill-casinos online u lill-imħatri sportivi f'Mejju. F'Settembru l-provinċja magħżula minn qabel tmien kumpaniji biex topera logħob online. Kemm il-kumpaniji Arġentini kif ukoll dawk barranin ġew mistiedna jieħdu sehem fit-tender filwaqt li The Lotterija ta' Córdoba will oversee online gaming. Online gambling was supposed to be underway before the World Cup.

Madankollu city ordinance 11,684 rules that gambling is illegal in the city limits. As a result the Municipality of Córdoba has emphasized that municipal regulations prevent online gambling from going forward, although they did not give further details nor issued any statements on the matter when consulted by local press.

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