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Ċili – Il-projbizzjoni tar-reklamar tal-logħob tal-azzard tgħaddi mill-istadju tal-kumitat

By - 3 ta’ Ottubru 2022

Deputat Marco Sulantay has been put in charge of getting a bill through parliament that would prohibit any type of sportsbetting betting advertising during sporting events.  The bill was passed by The Sports Commission in the Chilean Chamber of Deputies at the end of September.  Sulantay, the author of the bill, will now be responsible for presenting the approved text before the plenary session of the Chamber of Deputies.

In Marzu Deputy Marco Antonio Sulantay said that sites operating in Chile did so “without paying any type of tax for the millions of dollars in profits they generate” adding that sports betting advertisements had “taken over” sports.  

“Huwa meħtieġ li jiġu pprojbiti milli jkunu sponsors ta’ avvenimenti u klabbs sportivi jew li l-Ministeru tal-Finanzi jagħmel progress deċiżiv fir-regolamentazzjoni tal-operat tagħhom fiċ-Ċilì. . . u biex iħallsu t-taxxi korrispondenti,” qal.

After the bill was passed by the sports committee Sulantay said that if the law is passed by the House of Deputies then contracts with sports betting companies would have to end within a year.

“What we do not want is that sport in Chile falls into the clutches of mafias and bookmakers and we hope that this initiative will be law of the Republic as soon as possible,” he said.

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