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Ekwador – Il-Qorti tapprova t-taxxa fuq l-imħatri sportivi

By - 26 ta' Ġunju 2023

il qorti kostituzzjonali tal-Ekwador has approved new taxes on sports betting. The reforms are part of a much wider tax reform bill that includes tax cuts for most families.  

The court had to endorse or reject two decrees signed by President Guillermo Lasso after he disbanded the National Assembly after facing a vote that could have ousted him from office. Opposition members accuse him of turning a blind eye to embezzlement. The conservative leader says that his accusers lack evidence. The measure has never before used before and allows the president to rule by decree until new elections can be held.

While the constitutional court rejected another decree that would have promoted the opening of free trade zones it did approve Lasso’s tax reform bill according to local news outlet Telam.

Fejn jidħlu l-imħatri sportivi, ir-regola tistabbilixxi li l-pjattaformi tal-imħatri sportivi jridu jħallsu taxxa ta’ 15% fuq il-GGR. Barra minn hekk l-operaturi se jkunu responsabbli biex jimponu taxxa minn ras il-għajn ta’ 15% fuq ir-rebħ tal-plejers. Jekk bet titqiegħed permezz ta' operatur li ma jirrisjedix fl-Ekwador, il-plejer għandu jassumi 15% tat-taxxa fuq il-valur tal-imħatra tagħhom fil-ħin li jpoġġiha. Mill-inqas 26 sit tal-imħatri sportivi joperaw fil-pajjiż skont l-uffiċċju tat-taxxa tal-Ekwador.

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