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Operatur Aħbarijiet

Ġappun – Casinos Austria tespandi l-impronta proposta ta’ Nagasaki bi spiża ta’ 3.08 biljun dollaru Amerikan

By - 15 ta’ Diċembru 2021

Casinos Austria International Japan and Nagasaki prefecture have published more details of the casino blueprint for Sasebo City at the Huis Ten Bosch theme park to be handed over for consideration by the Japanese government in April.

The plans have seen the project’s footprint increased to 320,000 sq. m., with the floor area of the entire IR to cover around 550,000 sq. m. at a cost of US$3.08bn, much more than any other project overseen by Casinos Austria. It will generate around 10,000 jobs and aims to attract 8.4m people a year. The MICE facility now boasts a unique design with curves.

Casinos Austria International has said it plans to operate a three floor, 9,000 square meter casino as part of its project for an integrated resort project in Nagasaki, Japan, with 220 gaming tables and 2,200 slot machines ‘offering a gaming experience of the highest international standards.’

Il-każinò għandu jkun jinsab ħdejn il-park tat-tema ta’ Huis Ten Bosch, fejn il-Prefettura ta’ Nagasaki qed tippjana li tiżviluppa resort ta’ każinò integrat bi tmien lukandi, ċentri multipli ta’ konferenzi u esibizzjonijiet kif ukoll varjetà ta’ kumplessi ta’ divertiment f’kooperazzjoni ma’ sħab internazzjonali u Ġappuniżi rinomati. . Il-Hotel Sachar ta’ 5 stilel tal-Awstrija ġiet ikkonfermata bħala waħda mill-lukandiera għall-proġett. L-aħħar pjanijiet jinkludu cable car biex jittrasportaw mistednin mill-istazzjon Huis Ten Bosch mal-Casinos Austria biex jonfqu madwar US$129 m fuq l-infrastruttura.

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