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Ġappun - Suncity tiftaħ uffiċċju biex tippromwovi l-kunċett tagħha ta 'Wakayama IR2.0

By - 14 ta’ Settembru 2020

Asian junket investor Suncity Group has now opened an office in Wakayama which it will use as a promotional base in its attempts to land one of Japan’s first integrated resorts with its Wakayama IR2.0 concept.

The newly established Wakayama office will show concept videos and a scale model of the project.

Suncity has said it would spend between HK$30bn and HK$35bn (US$3.8bn to US$4.5bn) on an Integrated Resort in its Wakayama, in the Kansai region, on Honshū island’s Kii Peninsula.

Il-Kap Eżekuttiv ta' Suncity, Alvin Chau, qal li l-viżjoni kienet għal 'proġett uniku li jgħaqqad it-tradizzjoni storika tal-Prefettura ta' Wakayama, il-pajsaġġ naturali u l-essenza kulturali.'
It will offer 2,600 rooms and villas, restaurants and a sky lounge, hot springs and spas, a substantial exhibition venue, indoor sports facilities and boat tours to nearby coastal towns and tourist attractions.

Mr. Chau said: “We will present to the world the unique charm of Wakayama. I believe our ideas are in line with what the Japanese government is looking for in regional development Wakayama is rich in Japanese tradition and culture and has an abundance of nature in the mountains and sea. We are planning a resort that incorporates these charms. We will challenge regional revitalization centering on integrated resort facilities. We will promote the development of international tourism cities that make the most of the assets of Wakayama Prefecture, the nature, culture, history and people’s activities focusing on integrated resort facilities.”

Only two casino companies, have lodged proposals for the request-for-proposal (RFP) process to develop a casino on an artificial island called Marina City in the Japanese prefecture of Wakayama, located east of Osaka Canada-based Clairvest mounting the challenge to Suncity.

L-Uffiċċju kien qal qabel li aktar minn 20 operatur internazzjonali tal-IR mill-Amerika ta’ Fuq, l-Ewropa u l-Asja esprimew l-interess tagħhom b’forum tal-IR li ġibed interess minn gruppi operattivi fosthom Solaire, Lucien Barriere, Mohegan Gaming, Bloomberry Resorts u Galaxy Entertainment. Il-gvern irid li l-IR tiegħu jkollu lukanda ta’ 2,500 kamra b’ċentru tal-konvenzjonijiet u sala tal-wirjiet. Marina City tinsab madwar 40 minuta sewqan mill-Ajruport Internazzjonali tal-Kansai u 70 minuta sewqan minn Osaka. L-infrastruttura tagħha hija diġà żviluppata sew b'ħafna lukandi u park tad-divertiment ibbażat fuq pajsaġġi tal-bliet Ewropej medjevali.

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