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Il-leġiżlaturi jagħtu ħarsa oħra lejn il-kont propost taċ-Ċili dwar il-logħob tal-azzard onlajn

By - 18 ta’ Marzu 2024

Chile’s online gambling bill was the subject of further debate last week after the Senate’s Economic Commission resumed its analysis of the proposed bill. Specially invited to this session were the General Manager of the Concepción Lottery,  Mario Parada; the Regulatory Deputy Director of the  Internal Revenue Service (SII), Simón Ramírez and Director of the Specialized Unit in Economic Crimes, Environmental Crimes, Cybercrimes, and Associated Money Laundering (ULDDECO), Mauricio Fernández.

During their written presentation, the Concepción Lottery outlined the history of the organisation and the benefits it has brought since it began operating over 100 years ago.  The lottery placed a special emphasis on efforts that the government should be making to combat illegal gambling.

“We request that while this law is being discussed, the SCJ and the Chilean Treasury through the Council of State Defence enforce legality and pursue illegal gambling with all the tools that the rule of law currently grants,” they said.

 “We expect a symmetrical treatment that allows us to continue fulfilling this noble mission that has been entrusted to us. In the agencies, we have worked collaboratively with their sellers to fulfil, for over 100 years, the dreams of our customers. We recognize the importance of preserving this trajectory and effort, allowing us to maintain our place in this market on equal terms, ensuring the safeguarding of Lotería’s historical contribution to the community.”

Meanwhile the SII detailed during its presentation that licensees would be required to pay an annual fee of 1,000 UTMs (Unidad Tributaria Mensual is a monthly unit of account used for tax purposes in Chile), an additional 2% levy on gross revenue each calendar year, a specific 20% tax on gross revenue, deducting the amount for VAT and Provisional Monthly Payments (PPMs) and the responsible gaming contribution tax rate (non-deductible), arising from the positive difference between 1% of annual gross revenue and disbursements made by the operating company related to responsible gaming promotion activities.

Meanwhile ULDDECO provided a positive assessment of the overall project but made some comments regarding the mechanisms for providing information to the SCJ. The deputy regulatory director of the SII, Simón Ramírez, maintained that the transitional regulations included in the project aim for online operators to “start from a situation of equality as of the entry into force of the law.”

Is-Sottosegretarju tal-Finanzi Heidi Berner u l-kap tas-Supretendent tal-Logħob tal-Casino (SJC) Vivien Villagrán  presented Chile’s online gambling bill to the Senate’s Economic Committee in January.

Il-kont, li kien approvat fl-ewwel stadju mill-Kamra tad-Deputati f'Diċembru, timmira li toħloq suq kompetittiv. Hija tfittex ukoll li tissalvagwardja l-fiduċja pubblika, tipproteġi s-saħħa u s-sigurtà tal-plejers, tiżgura t-trasparenza fl-oriġini u d-destinazzjoni tar-riżorsi miksuba mil-logħob tal-azzard u tgħolli d-dħul għall-kaxxa tal-istat u l-isports.

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