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Perù – Interess għoli għall-industrija tal-logħob tal-azzard onlajn li għadha kif ġiet regolata

By - 18 ta’ Marzu 2024

During the first 30 days of the enforcement of Liġi Nru 31557, Li jirregola l-operat tal-logħob online u l-imħatri sportivi, 145 talba ta’ awtorizzazzjoni ġew sottomessi kemm minn kumpaniji nazzjonali kif ukoll internazzjonali biex jipparteċipaw fil-logħob tal-azzard onlajn.

Additionally, 144 affiliated service providers were registered, and 7 international certification laboratories were accredited. These providers have submitted 184 requests for the homologation of technological platforms, gaming programs, progressive systems, and gaming modalities.

“These companies have submitted their requests to formalize and obtain the corresponding authorization to continue operating in Peru, a clear indication that the regulation of this activity has been successful,” said Minister of Foreign Trade and Tourism (Mincetur) Juan Carlos Mathews fi stqarrija.

Mincetur hopes that the enforcement of Law No. 31557 and its regulations will provide security to players through responsible gaming policies, as well as formalize the activity. It is estimated that the volume of bets placed in Peru during 2022 was close to S/3.800 billion.

“This is an important step taken by Peru to regulate this activity, not only due to the economic movement it generates and the revenue it will collect but also due to the need to provide security to citizens who access and use these applications,” Mathews said.

It-tieqa għall-kumpaniji interessati li joperaw imħatri sportivi onlajn u logħob tal-każinò fil-Perù fetħet fi Frar. Kumpaniji li joffru servizzi ta' logħob online u mħatri sportivi kellhom biex jissottomettu l-applikazzjoni tagħhom għall-awtorizzazzjoni biex topera onlajn taħt it-termini ta Liġi Nru 31557 and were given until March 13 to register. Mathews stated at the time that the implementation of this law, along with new regulations would have a major impact on the industry and for bettors.

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