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Arkivji Tag: Alabama

US – Alabama closing in on lottery, nine casinos and sports betting

The Alabama Senate has given its approval for new laws that will let voters decide via a referendum whether to allow a state lottery, nine casinos and sports betting to be set up in the state. As well as the three electronic casinos owned by the Poarch Band of Creek Indians in Atmore, Montgomery, and…

L-Istati Uniti – Il-każinò ta' High Rollers jappoġġja s-sistema ta' ġestjoni ċentrali ta' END 2 END għall-ftuħ mill-ġdid fl-Alabama

END 2 END, l-Espert ewlieni tal-Bingo Multiplayer, ssieħeb ma 'High Rollers Bingo f'Birmingham, Alabama biex iniedi s-Sistema ta' Ġestjoni POS Ċentrali ġdida fjamanta tagħha. Il-pjattaforma ta' END 2 END se tippermetti li High Rollers sempliċement jintegraw varjetà vasta ta' bejjiegħa, u b'hekk ikunu jistgħu joffru firxa oerhört diversa ta' logħob fi ħdan il-...

US – Poarch Band of Creek Indians wants exclusivity and two more resorts in Alabama

The Poarch Band of Creek Indians wants to pay the state of Alabama $225m ‘for exclusive gaming rights in the State through a compact’ and the right to build two more casinos. The tribe has suggested it could open ‘two additional first-class gaming and tourism destination sites with unlimited gaming’ in return for the payment….

US – Gary Platt chairs sitting pretty at Wind Creek’s VIP Room

Players in the new High Limit Room at Wind Creek Casino & Hotel in Atmore, Alabama, are enjoying the comfort of chairs from Gary Platt Manufacturing. The recently renovated High Limit Room beckons players with chic interior stylings and a wide variety of popular games to entertain. Whichever game players choose, they can enjoy the…

US – VGT’s Mr. Money Bags Easy Money Jackpot hits at Wind Creek

A lucky player at Wind Creek Casino & Hotel in Wetumpka, Alabama. has won a life-changing jackpot on VGT’s Mr. Money Bags Easy Money Jackpot wide area progressive. The player won $399,980.92 on VGT’s popular King of Coin slot game. Since its launch last summer, several players across Oklahoma have won the top progressive jackpot…

US – Wind Creek Wetumpka lesta biex tiftaħ b'2,520 slot

Wind Creek Wetumpka, każinò lussuż u żvilupp ta’ lukandi mibni fuq ix-xtut tax-xmara Coosa mill-isbaħ, se jiftaħ il-bibien tiegħu għall-pubbliku għall-ewwel darba fis-17 ta’ Diċembru. Il-proġett huwa proprjetà tal-Poarch Band of Creek Indians u mmexxi minn Awtorità tal-Logħob PCI. Iċ-Chairman Tribali ta’ Poarch Creek Buford Rolin qal:...

L-Istati Uniti – Il-qala tar-riħ ta' Alabama se tiftaħ f'nofs Diċembru

Wind Creek Wetumpka (WCW), il-każinò u l-lukanda lussużi l-ġodda, li jinsabu fuq ix-xtut tax-Xmara Coosa f’Alabama se tiftaħ fis-17 ta’ Diċembru. Wind Creek Wetumpka hija l-propjetà oħt ta’ Wind Creek Atmore, waħda minn numru żgħir ta’ resorts tal-Alabama. biex taqla' klassifikazzjoni prestiġjuża "AAA Four-Diamond". Iż-żewġ proprjetajiet huma proprjetà tal-Banda Poarch...

Canada – TransAct extends PCI deal with Epicentral

TransAct Technologies has extended its relationship with PCI Gaming Authority, the gaming enterprise of the Alabama-based Poarch Band of Creek Indians, to bring its Epicentral promotion and bonusing system to a second casino operated by the tribe following the implementation of Epicentral at Wind Creek Casino & Hotel Atmore in March 2013. The deployment, which is…