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Arkivji Tag: Akkwisti ta' Aquis Casino

Awstralja - Aquis jiġbed il-plagg fuq il-każinò tal-Great Barrier Reef

Aquis Great Barrier Reef Resort fl-Awstralja se jipproċedi bl-offerta tiegħu biex iġib resort tal-ilma spettakolari ta’ A$8 biljun f’Cairns mingħajr każinò bħala parti mill-proġett. Is-sid tal-proġett, ibbażat f’Hong Kong, Tony Fung, ħalla l-każinò għalissa, u qal li jista’ jerġa’ lura fih aktar tard, jiġifieri każinò...

Australia – Canberra celebrates best ever month

Billionaire casino newcomer Tony Fung is celebrating after reversing the fortunes of his recently bought Canberra Casino which has just recorded its highest gaming revenue in its nine year history of operating. Mr. Fung’s Aquis Entertainment, which bought the casino for $6m from Casinos Austria in December 2014, has reported GGR of $2.4m for October,…

Australia – Aquis wants to create new Canberra casino experience

Aquis Entertainment, the new Hong-Kong-based owners of the Canberra Casino in Australia want to redevelop the venue as part of a A$330m blue print that would see slot machines installed at the casino for the first time. Aquis, who took control of the casino last year, wants to build two hotels, restaurants, bars and high-end…

Australia – Aquis to complete Canberra takeover by Christmas

Aquis Casino Acquisitions, the company behind the bid to build a spectacular A$4.2bn casino and resort project in Cairns, is likely to complete its takeover of the Canberra Casino by Christmas having secured a $3m discount on the sale price. Led by Chinese tycoon Tony Fung’s, the company has agreed to buy the Casino Canberra,…

Awstralja - Accor tbigħ sehem f'Reef Casino għal AU$85m

Il-Grupp Accor biegħ l-ishma tiegħu fil-Casino Reef fl-Awstralja lil Aquis Great Barrier Reef Resort Group ibbażat f’Hong Kong, l-iżviluppaturi ta’ mega-resort u każinò proposti ta’ $4.2bn fit-tramuntana ta’ Queensland. Is-sehem ta' Accor kien jinkludi sehem ta' 29 fil-mija fi Barely glued spurs, What's break where to buy cabergoline everything-hair t bulky...

L-Awstralja – Queensland bit-tama tagħmel timxi fuq is-Sikka

Aquis Casino Acquisitions, il-kumpanija wara l-offerta biex jinbena proġett spettakolari ta’ każinò u resort ta’ A$4.2bn f’Cairns, qed tipprova tixtri Reef Casino Trust, li għandha l-uniku każinò f’Cairns Reef Casino għal $214m. Il-mossa tippermetti lis-sid Aquis u lin-negozjant Ċiniż Tony Fung kontroll tas-suq qabel kwalunkwe...