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Arkivji Tag: Aristo Internazzjonali

Vjetnam - Donaco jaħraq USD $ 380,408 fix-xahar minħabba restrizzjonijiet COVID

Bi Star Vegas għadha temporanjament magħluqa fil-Kambodja u Aristo miftuħ fil-Vjetnam fuq bażi limitata minħabba restrizzjonijiet relatati mal-COVID-19, Donaco International iddikjarat ħruq ta’ flus kontanti ta’ USD$380,408 fix-xahar, li jgħid li huwa 'tajjeb fil-medda mmirata.' Iż-żieda fir-rati tat-tilqim fit-Tajlandja u l-Kambodja wasslet lill-Gvernijiet taż-żewġ pajjiżi biex...

Vjetnam - Donaco jiġġenera EBITDA pożittiv għal tliet xhur konsekuttivi

L-operatur Vjetnamiż u Kambodjan Donaco International, iġġenera EBITDA pożittiv f'kull wieħed mill-aħħar tliet xhur tan-nofs sena, b'Aristo u Star Vegas jerġgħu jiftħu u joperaw fuq bażi limitata, hekk kif il-fruntieri tal-Vjetnam/Ċina u l-Kambodja/Tajlandja jibqgħu magħluqa. Donaco ippubblika EBITDA tal-grupp pożittiv ta' A$0.2m għas-1H FY21, bl-aħħar tlieta...

Vietnam – Donaco reports positive EBITDA at Star Vegas and Aristo

Since the reopening of the Star Vegas Resort and Club in Cambodia in late September, and the Aristo International Hotel in Vietnam, Donaco International has seen two months of positive EBITDA for October and November, of US$0.54m and USD$0.8m respectively for the overall group. The growing trend has continued into December and the Company is…

Vietnam – Donaco in ‘urgent need of capital’ to protect Aristo and Star Vegas

Cambodian and Vietnamese casino operator Donaco International is looking to generate funds of AU$14.4m (US$9.99m) in capital to strengthen its books saying it was in ‘urgent need of capital’ due to the effects of the coronavirus pandemic. Donaco operates Star Vegas Resort and Club in Poipet Cambodia, and Aristo International Hotel in Lao Cai, Vietnam….

Vietnam – Donaco looks for extra finances with Aristo’s revenue hit by affects of Coronavirus

Donaco International, the Australia-listed casino operator with properties in Cambodia, has said it wants financing to help fund payment obligations and working capital needs in light of the affects the Coronavirus is having on its business. Donaco operates Star Vegas Resort and Club, close to Cambodia’s border with Thailand and the Aristo International Hotel, near…

Vietnam – Aristo International’s attendance slashed by 75 per cent due to Coronavirus clampdown

Australian-listed Donaco International Limited has confirmed its Vietnam casino Aristo International Hotel, located at the border with Yunnan Province in China, has been heavily impacted by the Coronavirus with attendance falling by 75 per cent in February. The border crossing at Lao Cai is currently tightly restricted, with crossing allowed only for visitors with an…