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Arkivji Tag: BĦALA

UK – A&S Leisure wissiet dwar reklami li joffru ‘logħob tal-azzard bla limitu’

L-Awtorità tal-Istandards tar-Reklamar tar-Renju Unit (ASA) wissiet lill-operatur tal-każinò A&S Leisure Group dwar reklam li jipprometti 'logħob tal-azzard illimitat fil-Casinos Napoleons kollha tagħna' fuq il-websajt tagħha www.napoleons-casinos.co.uk. A&S, l-operatur tal-każinos f'Leeds, Bradford, Hull, Sheffield u Manchester, kienet bidlet it-terminoloġija tagħha minn 'logħob tal-azzard illimitat' għal logħob tal-azzard mingħajr restrizzjonijiet' għalkemm l-ASA qieset...

UK – L-ASA tirrapporta tnaqqis kbir fin-numru ta’ ksur tar-reklamar ta’ taħt l-età minn kumpaniji tal-logħob tal-azzard

L-Awtorità tal-Istandards tar-Reklamar (ASA) tar-Renju Unit rat tnaqqis fin-numru ta’ ksur tar-restrizzjoni tal-età minn reklami tal-logħob tal-azzard onlajn fir-Renju Unit. L-aħħar rapport tal-ASA enfasizza li tlieta biss mir-reklami identifikati fl-aħħar rapport kienu relatati mal-logħob tal-azzard. Dawn dehru fuq tliet websajts differenti iżda ġew ippubblikati mill-...

UK – Ad Sky Bet ipprojbit talli jorbot is-suċċess tal-imħatri mal-intelliġenza

The Advertising Standards Agency in the UK has banned a TV ad from Sky Bet, with football presenter Jeff Stelling promoting the Request a Bet service as it created an ‘unrealistic perception of the level of control consumers would have over betting success.’ The ad contained a number of references to the role of sports…

UK – ASA publishes new advertising standards to protect children and young people

The Advertising Standards Association published new standards to protect children and young people from irresponsible gambling ads. This follows a review of the evidence on advertising’s impact on under-18s and rulings by the Advertising Standards Authority. The last review was carried out in 2014. The evidence suggests that exposure to gambling ads that comply with…