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Arkivji Tag: Ta ’Bally

UK – Bally’s brings the American gaming experience to the UK

Gamesys Operations Limited, a Bally’s Corporation Company, has announced the launch of the state-of-the-art online casino brand in the UK. Building on the prominent and well-established Bally’s brand in the United States, the launch of Bally Casino in the UK brings a fresh new brand to the igaming market. Although a UK launch, it has…

L-Istati Uniti – Bally's iżid it-tħejjijiet għat-tnedija ta' iGaming ta' Rhode Island

Bally's daħlet fi sħubija strateġika ma' Stakelogic biex tappoġġja t-tnedija tal-operat tal-iGaming mill-operatur f'Rhode Island. Il-kont ta' Rhode Island iGaming, li seħħ fit-22 ta' Ġunju, estenda r-rwol ta' Bally bħala l-uniku operatur attiv tal-każinò fl-istat biex issa jinkludi iGaming. Bħala parti mis-sħubija tagħhom, Bally's se tisfrutta Stakelogic's...

US – Bally’s to look at assets that ‘drag’ as profits thin

Third quarter profits have fallen for Bally’s Corporation who generated revenue of $578.2m for the third quarter ended September 30, 2022, with net income of $0.6m and adjusted EBITDA of $151m. Bally’s said it will take ‘a hard look’ at non-core assets that it said were ‘a drag’ on EBITDA. Lee Fenton, Chief Executive Officer said: “In the third…

L-Istati Uniti – Bally's tlesti l-akkwist ta' $148m ta' Tropicana Las Vegas

Bally's ikkompleta l-akkwist imħabbra preċedentement tat-Tropicana Las Vegas ma' Gaming & Leisure Properties. GLPI u PENN temmew it-tranżazzjoni relatata mal-akkwist tal-assi mhux tal-art tat-Tropicana Las Vegas għal prezz ta’ xiri fi flus ta’ $148m. Bally's se tikri l-art taħt il-proprjetà Tropicana mingħand GLPI...

L-Istati Uniti – Bally's tagħti somma ta' sitt figuri liċ-Ċentru Internazzjonali għal-Logħob Responsabbli

Iċ-Ċentru Internazzjonali għal-Logħob Responsabbli rċieva donazzjoni ta' $600,000 minn Bally's Corporation biex tappoġġja r-riċerka xjentifika ta' bosta snin dwar il-logħob tal-azzard fost adulti żgħażagħ u l-użu u l-effettività ta' għodod tal-logħob tal-azzard responsabbli. Mit-twaqqif tiegħu fl-1996, l-ICRG sar sors ta’ finanzjament prominenti fir-riċerka dwar il-logħob tal-azzard problematiku, li wassal għal mijiet ta’ artikli ppubblikati...

L-Istati Uniti – Bally's jiffirma bħala sieħeb għall-imħatri sportivi ta' New York Yankees

Bally’s Corporation announced today a marketing partnership designating Bally Bet as an official sports betting partner of the 27-time World Series Champions. This marks Bally’s first sports team partnership in New York after becoming the ninth online sports betting operator in the state in July. Under the agreement, Bally’s receives use of New York Yankees…

US – Bally’s announces final results of ‘Dutch Auction’ tender offer

Bally’s has announced the final results of its modified “Dutch Auction” tender offer. Based on the final count by American Stock Transfer & Trust Company, the depositary for the tender offer, 4.7m common shares were validly tendered at or below the final purchase price of $22 per share and not validly withdrawn, including shares that…

US – Bally’s at Tribune Publishing Center selected for Chicago’s sole casino licence

Mayor Lori E. Lightfoot has announced that the City has selected Bally’s Corporation to be the recipient of its sole casino licence and the developer to create a world-class casino-resort and entertainment experience in Chicago on the site of the Tribune Publishing Center. “I am proud to announce that Bally’s Corporation will create a world-class…

US – Bally’s establishes ESG committee

Bally‘s has established a Board of Directors for an official committee that will oversee further development of Bally’s ESG initiatives, the ESG Committee. Robeson Reeves, President Interactive, will chair the ESG Committee, which will also include Soo Kim, Chairman of the Board, Lee Fenton, Bally’s CEO, and Wanda Y. Wilson, an independent director of Bally’s…