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Arkivji Tag: BBIN

L-Asja – BBIN tiżvela t-tema annwali għall-2022

BBIN nediet it-tema annwali tagħha għall-2022 bit-titolu “THE GAMING BEAT” li ġiet iddisinjata biex tirresona ma’ meta s-sussidjarja ta’ BBIN, TGB Charity, ġiet stabbilita fl-2018. Li turi l-aspirazzjoni tal-kumpanija li tibbilanċja l-prestazzjoni tan-negozju u s-sostenibbiltà korporattiva, ix-xbihat tal-blu Jingħad li l-għasafar u ċ-ċikwejra jirrappreżentaw it-'tixrid tat-tama...

Asja – BBIN iniedi vidjo tal-Karità TGB

Wieħed mill-fornituri ewlenin tas-softwer iGaming fl-Asja, BBIN, stabbilixxa l-marka tal-karità tiegħu msejħa The Gaming Beat Charity (TGB Charity) mill-2018. Ipparteċipa b'mod attiv fi kwistjonijiet globali importanti u kkoopera ma 'karitajiet ewlenin biex jimplimenta r-responsabbiltà soċjali korporattiva b'azzjonijiet prattiċi, jagħmlu ħilithom biex jagħtu kontribuzzjonijiet lis-soċjetà. Biex tkun eżempju ta' xogħolha, TGB...

Spain – BBIN becomes Asia iGaming supplier partner to Atlético de Madrid

BBIN has said it is ‘honoured’ to announce that the company has become the Official iGaming Supplier Partner of Atlético de Madrid in Asia. Atlético de Madrid is one of the biggest clubs in Spanish and European football in terms of honours, membership size and competitiveness. The men’s team has won 10 La Liga titles,…

India – BBIN and TGB Charity support children’s sanitary education

This month, BBIN’s charitable brand TGB Charity is working with SAATH and Unipads on a new project to promote the understanding of health and sanitary knowledge. TGB Charity donates US$60,000 and hosts over 100 workshops in the campuses in Gujarat, India, where children learn the correct knowledge about health and sanitation. Meanwhile, 12,000 reusable sanitary…

Asia – League of Legends 2020 Pacific Championship Series underway

The League of Legends (LoL) 2020 Pacific Championship Series (PCS) got underway at the end of June, with ten professional eSports teams from Southeast Asia, Hong Kong, Macau, and Taiwan coming together to test their skills against each other in the world’s most popular eSports game. LoL is the most-followed eSports game worldwide. According to…

Asia – Habanero games go live with BBIN

Content from slots and table games developer Habanero is now live with BBIN Group. Under the agreement, the supplier will give the software giant access to its complete product portfolio of HTML5 games for all of its white label sites. Recent releases from Habanero, including Fire Rooster, Bird of Thunder, and Panda Panda, have all…