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Arkivji Tag: L-Aħjar Sunshine Internazzjonali

North Marianas – Id-dħul VIP ta’ Imperial jonqos fi Frar

Imperial Pacific, l-operatur ta 'każinò temporanju li jaqbad l-intestatura f'Saipan fil-Gżejjer Marjani ta' Fuq, irrapporta tnaqqis fil-GGR VIP tiegħu fi Frar wara l-ammont rekord irrappurtat fix-xhur preċedenti. Il-fatturat VIP fil-każinò temporanju Best Sunshine Live tiegħu daħal għal $1.67 biljun fi Frar 'l isfel mill-ispettakolari $5.6bn fi...

Marjani tat-Tramuntana - L-Aħjar Sunshine qed tfittex investiment biex tispiċċa l-Grand Marina

Best Sunshine International, proprjetà ta’ Imperial Pacific International Holdings Limited, qed tfittex investituri biex tiġbor $550m biex itemm il-bini tal-Grand Mariana Casino & Hotel tagħha f’Garapan, Saipan, fil-Gżejjer Mariana ta’ Fuq. Grand Marina hija parti minn żvilupp ġenerali destinat għal Saipan, l-akbar gżira fil-Gżejjer Marjani tat-Tramuntana...

Northern Marianas – Superior Court issues restraining order on Northern Marianas licence award

The Northern Marianas Superior Court has issued a temporary restraining order preventing the Government from ruling on whether to award a licence for a $2bn casino project on the island of Saipan. Associate Judge David Wiseman put the order in place after a licence applicant, Marianas Stars Entertainment, requested a temporary restraining order, saying it…

Saipan – Two Hong Kong companies to vie for Saipan licence

Two Hong Kong-based companies have made last-minute bids in the Northern Marianas for an exclusive licence to develop a casino on Saipan. The government confirmed it had received applications from Marianas Stars Entertainment Incorporated and Best Sunshine International Limited. Each has paid the US$1m, non-refundable application fee The two groups have up to May the…