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Arkivji Tag: Imħatri

UK – Il-Kunsill tal-Imħatri u l-Logħob jilqa’ l-opt-out ta’ facebook ad

Il-korp tal-istandards il-Kunsill tal-Imħatri u l-Logħob laqa’ l-aħbar li Facebook se jintroduċi opt-out għall-maġġoranza l-kbira tar-reklami tal-imħatri fuq il-pjattaforma tagħhom. Ifisser li l-utenti ta’ Facebook li ma jridux aktar jaraw reklami bħal dawn ikunu jistgħu jieqfu jagħmlu dan. Il-BGC ilhom jaħdmu mill-qrib...

Il-Greċja - Intralot lura għat-tkabbir fl-ewwel kwart tiegħu b'bejgħ qawwi tal-lotterija

L-operazzjonijiet tal-Amerika ta’ Fuq, għenu biex Intralot jitkattar fl-ewwel kwart tiegħu bi dħul tal-grupp f’9.3 fil-mija sena wara sena laħaq €102m. L-EBITDA żdied b’55.4 fil-mija għal €24.4m bl-Amerika ta’ Fuq rat dħul żdied b’21.8 fil-mija u l-EBITDA żdied b’81.8 fil-mija. Iċ-Chairman u l-Kap Eżekuttiv ta’ Intralot Sokratis P. Kokkalis qal: “L-ewwel kwart...

Il-Greċja – L-għeluq inaqqas nofs id-dħul tal-Q1 tal-OPAP iżda l-internet isaħħaħ ir-riżultati

Bi kwart mimli tfixkil tal-COVID, id-dħul tal-OPAP naqas b'46.9 fil-mija sena wara sena għal €174.2m, minħabba li l-postijiet tal-imħatri bl-imnut ingħalqu għall-biċċa l-kbira tat-trimestru iżda l-internet ikkontribwixxa b'mod sinifikanti f'Q1'21 li wasal għal €122.4 m megħjuna wkoll minn Kaizen Gaming konsolidazzjoni sħiħa. Il-ħwienet kollha tal-OPAP fil-Greċja kienu miftuħa għal kollox...

Australia – Tabcorp confirms strategic review after Entain’s under-valued offer

Australian sports betting giant Tabcorp has said it is launching a broad strategic review after rejecting a $3bn bid from British company Entain. Tabcorp Chairman Steven Gregg said it was no necessary for Tabcorp to ‘put a mark down in the market’ with a strategic review after months of speculation about a sale of its…

Il-Greċja – OPAP testendi l-kuntratt ma’ Intralot

Intralot ikkonfermat li OPAP, l-operatur ewlieni tal-logħob Grieg, eżerċita l-għażla ta’ estensjoni ta’ sentejn tal-kuntratt ma’ Intralot għat-tkomplija tal-kollaborazzjoni taż-żewġ kumpaniji fil-qasam tal-lotteriji u s-servizzi numeriċi minn Awwissu 2021 sa Lulju 2023. Din l-estensjoni tippermetti lil Intralot ikompli jipprovdi l-Lotterija tal-aktar avvanzata tagħha...

Greece – Intralot enters lock-up agreement with noteholders

Intralot has entered into a lock-up agreement with an ad hoc group of noteholders, holding in excess of 75 per cent of the Є250m senior unsecured notes due 2021, pursuant to which the parties agree to support the balance sheet optimisation transactions. Members of the Ad Hoc Group also hold in excess of 13 per…

Greece – Intralot wins Gold Award for Employee Best Practices at HR Awards 2020

Greek betting company Intralot has scooped a Gold Award in the Best Team Building Program category for strengthening employee collaboration and a Silver Award in the Most Valued HR Team category for its fast response to Covid-19. The two prestigious distinctions came in the categories Learning & Development and Covid-19 Response Actions at the HR…

UK – SIS greyhound service back to full strength

SIS (Sports Information Services), the leading multi-channel supplier of 24/7 betting services, has announced that from June 29 its greyhound service will be back to full strength. Following the successful return to racing in the UK over the last four weeks, Greyhound Board of Great Britain (GBGB) have announced that UK greyhound racing can move…

Spain – Madrid to see 22 new betting premises open before ban kicks in

Despite the Governing Council of Madrid agreeing to a decree that will temporarily suspend the opening of any more gambling venues, President of the Community of Madrid, Isabel Díaz Ayuso, has confirmed that 22 new venues will open before the ban kicks in. The suspension, which should be approved soon, will only last a year…