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Arkivji Tag: Grupp Boldt

Arġentina – Zitro iżid il-logħob mal-bplay ta’ Boldt

Zitro Digital, l-unità tan-negozju onlajn tal-fornitur ewlieni tal-logħob globali Zitro, żiedet il-preżenza tagħha fil-casinos virtwali bl-aħħar żieda tal-librerija tagħha tal-Logħob tal-Video Bingo u Slot Game: Pick & Win fil-ġurisdizzjoni tal-Belt ta’ Buenos Aires, Arġentina. Il-marka online distinta ta' Boldt Group: bplay,...

Arġentina – Zitro jiffirma ftehim ma’ bplay fl-Arġentina

Zitro Digital, il-fergħa tan-negozju online tal-fornitur globali tal-logħob Zitro, iffirmat ftehim ma’ www.bplay.com.ar, il-każinò onlajn tal-post prestiġjuż fuq l-art Casino De Santa Fe, li jappartjeni lill-grupp rinomat Boldt fl-Arġentina. . Il-logħob Zitro rinomati ma setgħux ikunu assenti minn dan il-premiere, peress li huma popolari ħafna fost...

Paraguay – Paraguay’s online 7 Saltos Resort launches Zitro games

Zitro Digital, the online business unit of the global gaming supplier Zitro, has announced the integration of its games with the online casino www.bplay.com.py, of the ‘7 Saltos Resort’ casino in Paraguay, belonging to the prestigious international Boldt Group. The ‘7 Saltos Resort’ casino, located on the border with Brazil, has been operating Zitro’s fantastic…

Argentina – Boldt’s Buenos Aires licence extended until end of year

The Province of Buenos Aires has ratified via a decree, the resolution put forward by the Provincial Lottery and Casinos Institute which extends the validity of a series of contracts with Boldt SA until December 31. The announcement, which was made last week in the Official Gazette, means that the Governor of the province of…

Chile – Ovalle Casino Resort wins first round in Chile licence award

The first round in the battle to land the Ovalle casino licence in the Coquimbo Region of Chile, some 500 km north of the capital, Santiago, has gone to Peralada and Boldt Group SpA-Chile. Having viewed all three applications the City Council opted to award the Spanish/Argentina partnership 150 points in a licensing process that…