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Arkivji Tag: AWP Brittaniċi

UK – Herbert buys back assets of JPM International

The future of JPM has been secured after it was revealed that Group owner Simon Herbert, has signed an agreement to buy back the assets of JPM International which was recently placed into voluntary liquidation. Synonymous with the UK coin-op industry and prestigious game development throughout Europe for more than 40 years, the bold move…

UK – Talarius launches new training programme

Talarius, the UK’s largest operator of Adult Gaming Centres, has launched its new Venue Development Training Programme for all Venue staff, giving them the skills and knowledge they need to be the best in the industry and enhance the overall operations of the business. Led by Mandi Cave, HR Manager at Talarius, the new learning…

UK – IOA confirms triennial ‘footprint guide’

The IOA, the UK’s largest independent machine operator, has put together what it is describing as a ‘footprint guide’ in preparation for the introduction of the anticipated Triennial Review of stakes and prizes. Martin Cookson, National Sales Executive at the IOA explained: “I don’t think any other operator has the same depth of experience as…

UK – Party Time Cat D jiddi qawwi mal-kosta

Ir-rinaxximent tal-Ħin tal-Partiti popolari massiv ta' Astra Games ikompli b'pass mgħaġġel bit-tnedija ta' verżjoni tal-Kategorija D ġdida u bi prezz irħas tal-multi-player. Skont id-Direttur tal-Bejgħ u l-Marketing tad-ditta, Alan Rogers, ix-xerrejja ta' din l-aħħar inkarnazzjoni tal-mudell jistgħu jistennew xi seħer reali 'skola l-antika' grazzi għal...

UK – Bell Frott jasal l-età bl-approvazzjonijiet Deal Or No Deal

Bell-Fruit Games iċċelebra uffiċjalment il-50 sena ta' kummerċ tiegħu b'parti grandjuża għall-istaff kollu fil-fabbrika tiegħu f'Leen Gate, Nottingham, nhar il-Ġimgħa 21 ta' Ġunju. L-avveniment kien preċedut il-Ħamis filgħaxija minn ikla fil-Harts Restaurant tal-belt. fejn attendew diversi figuri ewlenin tal-industrija. Bħala miżura...

UK – Il-proġett iżid l-aċċettatur tan-noti JCM ma’ TS22

Il-kabinett TS22 tal-Proġett, li ġie żvelat fl-EAG ta 'Jannar u mbagħad lil udjenza internazzjonali f'ICE Totally Gaming, issa qed jiġi offrut mal-JCM Note Acceptor bħala extra fakultattiv. Iż-żieda tenfasizza l-istatus tat-TS22 bħala waħda mill-pjattaformi l-aktar versatili tal-industrija. Filwaqt li tispjega l-importanza ta’ dan l-aħħar żvilupp, Project Managing...

UK – Stergides opens Praesepe’s Crystal Casino

John Stergides, one of the best-known names in UK high street gaming, was the guest of honour at the opening of Praesepe’s Crystal Casino in London last week.  It was a poignant ceremony for Mr. Stergides who operated the venue, located in Tottenham Court Road, before transferring it to Praesepe in March of this year….

UK – Astra Gaming Group jolqot pożizzjoni ta’ profil għoli f’Park Avenue

Il-Grupp tal-Logħob Astra kien rappreżentat tajjeb f'Park Avenue ta 'din is-sena b'line-up stellari ta' prodotti li jiddominaw footprint sinifikanti fil-vetrina ta 'Electrocoin Sales. Kienu għall-wiri l-aħħar titli minn Astra Games, Bell-Fruit Games u Empire Games, notevolment il-verżjoni twelid mill-ġdid tal-Ikoniku Party Time. Kien hemm appoġġ,...