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Arkivji Tag: Gżejjer Kanarji

Spanja – Gżejjer Kanarji biex taġġorna l-liġijiet tal-logħob tal-azzard

The Parliament of the Canary Islands received an updated gambling law which would impose greater advertising restrictions and player protection measures on the industry. The law seeks to modify gambling law 8/2010 after it was approved by the Governing Council of the Spanish autonomous community. Parliament will now be in charge of the regulation and the…

Spanja – Gran Casino de Fuerteventura jiftaħ fil-Gżejjer Kanarji

Il-Gran Casino Corralejo Fuerteventura fetaħ f'Corralejo, fil-muniċipalità ta 'La Oliva, li tinsab fit-tramuntana tal-gżira ta' Fuerteventura. Automáticos Canarios u Grupo Orenes, li diġà jħaddmu Gran Casino Costa Meloneras, Gran Casino Antigua Fuerteventura u Casino Gran Canaria, nefqu €10m fuq il-ftuħ tal-każinò fil-lukanda Bahía Lobos, u mmarkaw...

Spanja – Zitro tniedi Dragon Lamp fil-Gżejjer Kanarji

Dragon Lamp, il-mod il-ġdid biex tilgħab Video Bingo li Zitro ħoloq fi Spanja, qed jikkawża sensazzjoni fil-Gżejjer Kanarji fejn stabbilixxew. Id-Direttur Kummerċjali ta’ Zitro, Vicente Fernández, qal: “Is-suċċess ta’ Dragon Lamp jinsab f’li jinkludi mod kompletament differenti ta’ kif jirbħu progressivi u m’għadux meħtieġ li...

Spain – Canary Islands suspends opening of new gaming establishments

The Government of the Canary Islands has suspended the opening of new gaming and gambling premises, with the intention of safeguarding minors and other groups in need of special protection, as reported by the Ministry of Public Administration, Justice and Security. During the next 18 months, the government will prohibit the installation, opening and operation…

Spanja – Il-Gżejjer Kanarji jniedu offerta ġdida għal każinò f’La Oliva

The government of the Canary Islands has launched the call for a public tender for the building of a casino in the municipality of La Oliva, located in the north of the island of Fuerteventura. It will be the second casino in the area. The new tender was made official in the Official Bulletin of…

Spanja – Cocaven tissiġilla d-drittijiet tad-distribuzzjoni tal-Kanarji għal Aristocrat

Comercial Canaria de Ventas, (COCAVEN) iffirmat ftehim ma’ Aristocrat Technologies biex tassigura drittijiet esklussivi ta’ distribuzzjoni tal-firxa l-ġdida tagħha ta’ logħob Salon fil-Gżejjer Kanarji Spanjoli, li sservi operaturi tal-logħob madwar l-arċipelagu, inklużi l-gżejjer prinċipali ta’ Tenerife, Fuerteventura, Gran Canaria. , Lanzarote u La Palma. Manuel Fernández, President kemm ta’ COCAVEN kif ukoll tal-...