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Arkivji Tag: Festival ta ’Cheltenham

UK – Informazzjoni dwar id-dejta dwar il-ħin disponibbli għal Cheltenham Festival għall-ewwel darba

Għall-ewwel darba, informazzjoni diretta dwar il-ħin tat-tiġrija se tixxandar fuq l-iskrin u ppubblikata onlajn għall-Festival ta’ Cheltenham il-ġimgħa d-dieħla – grazzi għas-servizz ġdid ta’ traċċar nominat għall-premjijiet ta’ Racecourse Media Group (RMG). Ħidma mas-sieħeb tal-informazzjoni dwar il-ħin tal-RMG, Coursetrack, informazzjoni bħall-arloġġ tat-tellieqa, il-veloċità tal-mexxej, il-ħin tal-mexxej għal kull furlong u d-distanza biex jintemm, se...

UK – OpenBet ta’ SG Digital jirrapporta rekord ta’ Cheltenham

Scientific Games has revealed OpenBet, SG Digital’s market-leading sportsbook, processed a record number of account transactions at this year’s Cheltenham Festival. The Cheltenham Festival, an annual four-day event in the National Hunt race calendar in the United Kingdom, features several high-profile horse races. The Festival includes eleven grade-one races and culminates with the Gold Cup…

UK – Playtech BGT Sports reports record-breaking Cheltenham

Playtech BGT Sports (PBS) has reported record-breaking shop SSBT performance during the Cheltenham Festival. Turnover was up substantially on the previous weekly records during the Festival, as customers took advantage of new features including Best Odds Guaranteed and Lucky Bet Concessions. It was the first Cheltenham Festival since PBS launched its innovative Racing Post product,…

UK – OpenBet jara aktar minn 25m imħatri mqiegħda waqt Cheltenham Festival

OpenBet, the world’s leading software provider to the sports betting industry, handled more than 25,000,000 total sports bets during the 2015 Cheltenham Festival. The sum contributed towards 146,000,000 account transactions over the four-day period. The 2015 Festival saw an increase in the percentage of bets that were placed on mobile devices, with an average of…

Ir-Renju Unit – Il-bookies tal-Gran Brittanja huma ppreparati għal Betting Bonanza

Worldpay, il-mexxej globali fil-pagamenti, ikkwantifikat iż-żieda massiva fit-tranżazzjonijiet li l-bookbooks onlajn tal-Gran Brittanja jgawdu matul il-Festival ta' Cheltenham. Id-dejta ta’ Worldpay mill-Festival tal-2014 turi li n-numru ta’ tranżazzjonijiet ipproċessati mill-bookbooks onlajn tal-Gran Brittanja żdied b’34.1 fil-mija hekk kif il-partitarji tat-tlielaq ġrew biex jagħmlu mħatri bit-tama...