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Arkivji Tag: Ċili

Ċili – SJC Jagħti estensjoni ta’ 15-il sena lill-Casino Marina del Sol Calama

The Chilean Gaming Casinos Superintendency (SCJ), announced that it had granted an extension to Latin Gaming Calama’s casino license to continue the operation of Casino Marina del Sol Calama, located in the Antofagasta region, for the next 15 years. Through a statement, the company highlighted that the renewal of its operations in Calama positioned Marina…

Iċ-Ċilì – Il-kummissjoni ekonomika tas-Senat tkompli bid-dibattitu dwar il-liġi tal-logħob tal-azzard onlajn

The Senate’s Economic Commission has resumed the analysis of online gambling regulation in Chile. After the legislative recess in February, parliament returned to normal activities and received presentations from the Association of Online Betting Platforms, the Superintendence of Casinos of Games (SCJ), and Polla Chilena de Beneficencia. Lawyer Carlos Baeza, advisor to Betsson, Betano, BetWarrior, Coolbet,…

Ċili – Enjoy SA tibda proċess ta’ riorganizzazzjoni ġudizzjarja

Permezz ta 'fatt essenzjali ffirmat mill-maniġer ġenerali Esteban Rigo-Righi Baillie, Enjoy ħabbret li t-8 Qorti Ċivili ta' Santiago kienet bdiet il-"Proċedura ta 'Riorganizzazzjoni Ġudizzjarja" li l-kumpanija ħabbret fl-aħħar ta' Jannar. Il-proċess se jitmexxa mill-avukat u sorveljant Juan Ignacio Jamarne, li se jkun responsabbli mit-tmexxija...

Chile – Latamwin goes to court over online betting ban

Latamwin has filed a demand for more certainty before the 16th Civil Court of Santiago, with the aim of legalizing its operations in the country. According to Latamwin, the objective of this judicial move is to “prevent new questioning that could disturb the peaceful development of actions within the framework of its lawful activities as…

Iċ-Ċili – Enjoy tħabbar ristrutturar ieħor

L-ishma tal-operatur Enjoy, l-operatur ewlieni tal-casinos tal-Amerika Latina, naqsu wara li l-kumpanija ħabbret li kienet għaddejja minn ristrutturar ieħor. Id-deċiżjoni ttieħdet "ibbażata fuq is-sitwazzjoni finanzjarja attwali tal-Kumpanija, il-likwidità mistennija għax-xhur li ġejjin, u s-sitwazzjoni tal-ħlas lejn il-kredituri tal-Kumpanija." Igawdu deskritti numru...

Iċ-Ċili – L-abbozz ta' liġi dwar il-logħob tal-azzard onlajn jgħaddi għas-senat

The Undersecretary of Finance Heidi Berner and the head of the Superintendent of Casino Games (SJC) Vivien Villagrán  have presented Chile’s online gambling bill to the Senate’s Economic Committee. The bill, which was approved in the first stage by the Chamber of Deputies in December, aims to create a competitive market. It also seeks to…

Ċili – Il-Casino Enjoy Antofagasta jerġa’ jiftaħ

Il-Casino Enjoy Antofagasta, li jinsab fit-Tramuntana taċ-Ċili, ħabbar li se jerġa’ jiftaħ mill-20 ta’ Diċembru wara li l-SJC ikkonferma f’nofs Novembru, li l-liċenzja tagħha kienet ġiet imġedda għal ħmistax-il sena oħra. Fit-13 ta’ Novembru, (permezz tar-Riżoluzzjoni Eżentata Nru 1078) l-SJC ħabbar li l-Kunsill ta’ Riżoluzzjoni tiegħu kien ta l-permess għall-operat tal-każinò lill-kumpanija Dalmacia Gamming SA, a...

Iċ-Ċili – Abbozz ta' liġi dwar il-logħob tal-azzard onlajn mibgħut lis-senat

The Chamber of Deputies of Chile has approved the online gambling bill (bill 14838-03). The proposal was sent to the senate for further discussion after it received 80 votes in favour, 36 against and 8 abstentions. The Finance Commission of the Chamber of Deputies, which had been tasked with analysing the project to establish a…

Chile – Operators welcome online bill but critical of tax rate

Lawyer Carlos Baeza, advisor to Betsson, Betano, BetWarrior, Coolbet, Latamwin and 1XBET has released a statement on the passage of Chile’s online gambling bill to the senate from the lower house. While Baeza highlighted the fact that the bill had received cross party approval and said that this was a good sign he critisised some…