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Arkivji Tag: Kodiċi tal-Kondotta

UK – BGC launches Game Design Code of Conduct for online games

Standards body the Betting and Gaming Council has unveiled a new code of conduct for the design of online games in a bid to improve player safety and tackle problem gambling. Measures include the slowing down of spin speeds, banning several gaming features which have caused concern and improved access to safer gambling information. The…

Il-Belġju – Il-Kodiċi ta' Kondotta tal-EGBA għar-reklamar milqugħ mill-assoċjazzjoni tat-TV

egta, l-assoċjazzjonijiet Ewropej għad-djar tal-bejgħ tat-TV u r-radju, laqgħet kodiċi ta' kondotta ġdid dwar reklamar responsabbli għal-logħob tal-azzard onlajn, li ġie ppubblikat mill-Assoċjazzjoni Ewropea tal-Logħob u l-Imħatri (EGBA). egta issa se tippromwovi l-kodiċi lill-membri tagħha u tħeġġiġhom biex jappoġġjawh. Il-kodiċi ta' kondotta tal-EGBA huwa...

The Netherlands – Dutch association endorses EGBA’s new data protection code

The Dutch online gambling association (Speel Verantwoord) has officially endorsed EGBA’s new pan-European code of conduct on data protection for the online gambling sector. The Code of Conduct on Data Protection in Online Gambling sets long-term data protection standards for Europe’s online gambling sector and is intended to complement and reinforce the sector’s compliance with…

Il-Belġju – L-Assoċjazzjoni Belġjana tapprova l-kodiċi ta' kondotta online tal-EGBA

L-Assoċjazzjoni Belġjana tal-Operaturi tal-Logħob (BAGO) approvat il-kodiċi ta' kondotta tal-Assoċjazzjoni Ewropea tal-Logħob u l-Imħatri (EGBA) dwar ir-reklamar responsabbli għal-logħob tal-azzard onlajn. Il-kodiċi tar-reklamar responsabbli tal-EGBA, ippubblikat reċentement, għandu l-għan li jsaħħaħ ir-responsabbiltà tar-reklamar għal-logħob tal-azzard onlajn fl-Ewropa, permezz tal-introduzzjoni ta’ standards essenzjali għall-kontenut tar-reklamar u miżuri ddedikati...

L-Istati Uniti – AGA tniedi Kodiċi Responsabbli għall-imħatri sportivi

L-Assoċjazzjoni Amerikana tal-Logħob ħarġet l-ewwel Kodiċi Responsabbli tal-industrija għar-Reklamar u l-Marketing tal-Imħatri Sportivi, li jikkoinċidi mal-anniversarju ta’ sena mill-Qorti Suprema li twaqqfet l-Att dwar il-Protezzjoni tal-Isport Professjonali u Dilettanti (PASPA). Minn meta l-PASPA inqalbet f’Mejju li għadda, il-firxa ta’ interessi kummerċjali involuti fl-ekosistema tal-imħatri sportivi espandiet...

Id-Danimarka – Spillemyndigheden jiddeskrivi l-kodiċi ta' kondotta l-ġdid tad-Danimarka

The Danish Gambling Authority Spillemyndigheden has confirmed that a new code of conduct for gaming operators has been approved and will be introduced in July this year. It said: “With the Agreement on new initiatives against compulsive gambling and adjustments to the gambling agreement of June 29 2018, it was decided that the gambling industry…

Belgium – European Casino Association backs Clarion Gaming Code of Conduct

The European Casino Association (ECA), which represents the interests of 900 casinos and over 70,000 employees operating in 28 member countries across Europe, has given its full support to the Code of Conduct published by Clarion Gaming. The Code, which has been developed in conjunction with a large number of industry stakeholders courtesy of Clarion’s…

L-Istati Uniti – AGA toħroġ kodiċi ta' kondotta ġdid

A new industry Code of Conduct on responsible gaming has been released by the American Gaming Association (AGA) as further demonstration of the industry’s commitment to protecting players and regularly seeking opportunities for improvement. The Code was announced during a responsible gaming roundtable event at Stockton University. The event, part of the industry’s Responsible Gaming…

L-Istati Uniti – AGA tirrilaxxa l-Aħjar Prattiki ta’ Kontra l-Ħasil ​​tal-Flus

The American Gaming Association (AGA) has released a comprehensive set of Anti-Money Laundering (AML) Best Practices to guide the efforts of casinos to protect the US financial system and national security from money laundering and other forms of illicit finance. TheAGA’s Best Practices for Anti-Money Laundering Compliance are the result of more than a year…