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Arkivji Tag: Kolombja

Il-Bord tal-Logħob tal-Ażżard tal-Kolombja għandu jiġi modernizzat

The Higher School of Public Administration, a public institution in Colombia dedicated to providing education and training in public administration, has initiated the necessary studies for the institutional modernization of Coljuegos. The goal is for the entity to be more efficient when it comes to the regulation of gambling games as well as the collection…

Il-Logħob Territorjali tal-Kolombja jittrasferixxi 56.1 biljun lis-settur tas-saħħa pubblika f'Jannar

Coljuegos revealed that so-called territorial games transferred $56.117 billion pesos to the public health sector in January 2024. These include chance games (a type of lottery), lotteries, and scratch cards, which transferred $12.704 billion pesos more than the previous year. The segment that experienced the highest growth in contributions was the lottery, with an increase…

Kolumbja - Coljuegos jiffirma patt kontra l-logħob illegali f'Tolima

The president of Coljuegos, Marco Emilio Hincapié, the manager of the Tolima Lottery, Alexander Castro; the manager of Gana Gana, Alejandro Tamayo; and representatives from various entities, signed the Grand Pact for Legality and Transparency in Colombia. The objective is to raise awareness about the importance of legal gaming in Tolima. “Today, at the Tolima…

Colombia – More than 14,000 illegal sites blocked

According to the Management against Illegal Operations division attached to Coljuegos, over the past four years, 14,570 orders to block online betting websites operating illegally in the country have been issued. Marco Emilio Hincapié, president of Coljuegos said that in recent months, the entity has intensified both the tracking and the request for the blockage…

Kolumbja – Coljuegos timplimenta programm biex tillegalizza slot machines illegali

Coljuegos, Colombia’s gambling regulator has issued a resolution to legalize illegal slot machines owned by small businesses. According to Coljuegos president, Marco Emilio Hincapié, the strategy aims to promote legal betting and formalize around 100,000 slot machines operating in Colombia which do not currently meet legal requirements. In the resolution slot machines are referred to by…

Il-Kolombja – Coljuegos qed imexxi 'l quddiem il-politika pubblika dwar il-logħob tal-azzard responsabbli

In order to promote informed decision-making among players in the country, Coljuegos is advancing in structuring a public policy on responsible gambling, the first of its kind in Latin America. According to the president of Coljuegos, Marco Emilio Hincapié, the objective is to foster a culture of responsible betting and raise awareness among players about…

Kolumbja – Coljuegos qed jagħmel progress fl-aġġornament tal-qafas legali ġdid għas-slots

Coljuegos is making progress in its efforts to establish a new legal framework for the operation of slot machines and bring around 90,000 unlicensed slot machines into the legal sector.  However the board has announced that it has published a resolution suspending new requirements for slot machines until July 31st. The delay is to give…

Kolumbja – Il-kriżi tal-kura tas-saħħa tista’ twassal għal żieda fit-taxxi fuq l-imħatri sportivi onlajn  

Inizjattiva ġdida appoġġata mill-President Gustavo Petro tipproponi l-finanzjament tal-kura tas-saħħa permezz ta’ taxxi fuq l-imħatri sportivi onlajn, bil-għan li tindirizza d-defiċit tas-settur u tevita l-ħtieġa ta’ riforma tat-taxxa ġdida. Tipprovdi wkoll riżorsi essenzjali għas-saħħa pubblika. Skont l-istampa lokali hemm kunsens dejjem jikber għall-abbozz fil-Kungress. …

Kolumbja – Dħul għal-logħob territorjali qed jiżdied

Revenue for so called “territorial games” (juegos territoriales) are on the rise according to the gambling board Coljuegos and the Consejo Nacional de Juegos de Suerte y Azar (National Council for Games of Chance and Gambling). Territorial games encompass provincially run landbased lotteries, instant game Raspa y Listo (available in most provinces) and the popular…