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Arkivji Tag: Imħatri tal-Koloss

US – Colossus Bets warns of ‘implications for entire gaming industry’ after filing DraftKings lawsuit

Colossus Bets has filed a patent infringement suit against DraftKings in the United States District Court for the District of Delaware. The suit relates to infringement of seven patents, covering sports betting and gaming products that incorporate a Cash Out feature. As part of the suit, Colossus contends to have an extensive patent portfolio globally…

US – Colossus Bets partners with SIS World Greyhound Tote Pool jackpots

Colossus Bets, the pool betting operator and provider, has expanded its partnership with AmWest Entertainment, parent company of AmWager, by agreeing a deal to deliver SIS’s British greyhound racing jackpots to the operator. AmWager is one of the US Advance Deposit Wagering (ADW) providers, offering a host of betting tools and products. Nelson Clemmens, CEO…

UK – Is-SIS tissieħeb ma’ Colossus Bets biex iwasslu jackpots tat-tlielaq tal-greyhound

Il-fornitur b'ħafna kanali SIS qed jissieħeb ma' Colossus Bets, l-operatur u l-fornitur tal-imħatri tal-pool, biex iwassal jackpots tat-tlielaq tal-greyhound Brittaniċi lill-operaturi globalment. Colossus Bets se jipprovdi lill-jackpots b'karatteristiċi ewlenin ta' garanziji ta' premjijiet minimi sinifikanti, ħruġ ta' flus u sindakati biex jikkumplimentaw is-SIS World Greyhound Tote Pool, li tnieda fl-Istati Uniti...

UK – Colossus Bets strikes deal with SIS for British & Irish greyhound racing

SIS (Sports Information Services) has reached an agreement with award-winning sports pools operator and provider, Colossus Bets, to provide Colossus with British and Irish greyhound racing content. SIS will provide Colossus with a market leading portfolio of over 33,000 greyhound races per year. The premium greyhound content consists of more than 53 meetings per week…

Slovenja – Športna loterija jiffirma jackpots ta’ Colossus Bets

Športna loterija tas-Slovenja, il-fornitur nazzjonali ewlieni tal-lotterija u l-imħatri sportivi, nediet jackpots ta' Colossus Bets, li jagħtu aċċess għall-premjijiet ta' bosta miljuni ta' euro ta' Colossus lill-plejers Sloveni għall-ewwel darba. Il-portafoll sħiħ tal-isports ta’ Colossus se jkun disponibbli biex jilgħab kemm online kif ukoll fil-ħwienet. Il-plejers onlajn se jiġu introdotti wkoll għall-Cash Out parzjali ta' Colossus...

UK – Easy Payment Gateway jiffirma ftehim ta’ Colossus Bets

L-ispeċjalista tal-pagamenti onlajn, Easy Payment Gateway (EPG), laħaq ftehim ma’ Colossus Bets biex jipprovdi lill-operatur tal-imħatri fuq l-isports bil-grupp ta’ proċessuri u servizzi tal-ħlas tiegħu. Taħt il-ftehim, Colossus Bets se jikseb aċċess għal aktar minn 220 akkwirent tal-ħlas, soluzzjoni u kartieri differenti, appoġġjati mir-rappurtar f'ħin reali tal-EPG u r-rotta tat-tranżazzjonijiet. Jose…

UK – British racecourses and Colossus Bets to transform pool betting

Colossus Bets, the pools betting operator that pioneered Cash Out, is partnering with racecourses across the UK to transform the future of pool betting in the country. This arrangement between the Project Steering Board, currently representing 54 racecourses and Colossus Bets will ensure that customers have access to an innovative ‘exotic’ bets portfolio, including cash…

L-Istati Uniti – Betfair tniedi slot għall-ħruġ tal-flus Colossus Fracpot

Game Account Network (GAN) u l-pijunier tal-cash-out Colossus Bets ingħaqdu biex iġibu l-islot tal-cash-out Colossus Fracpot fis-sit ta’ New Jersey ta’ Betfair. Colossus Fracpot jippermetti lill-plejers li jħallsu l-pożizzjoni tagħhom u l-profitti bankarji fi frazzjonijiet wara li kull rukkell jirrisolvi. Il-funzjonalità tal-cash-out tagħti ċifri ta’ impenn fenomenali b’91 fil-mija tal-plejers offruti...

UK- BetConstruct to launch Colossus Bets’ football pools for Euro 2016

BetConstruct will launch Colossus football jackpot pools on itsSpring platform in time for the start of Euro 2016. Initially launched with one of its partners, VBet.com, the collaboration with Colossus Bets ensures that over €70,000,000 of football jackpots will be available to VBet and other BetConstruct partners during Euro 2016 alone. Vahe Baloulian, CEO of…