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Arkivji Tag: Konferenza

Spanja – Il-ġejjieni tal-imħatri sportivi fl-attenzjoni fl-SBC Summit Barcelona

SBC Summit Barcelona huwa lest li jagħti għadd ta' għarfien dwar l-imħatri sportivi minn panel illustri, b'Jette Nygaard-Andersen (CEO, Entain), Fredrik Elmqvist (Fundatur u CEO, Yggdrasil Gaming), Carsten Koerl (Fundatur u CEO, Sportradar) u Stuart Simms (CEO, XLMedia) fost l-eżekuttivi anzjani msemmija bħala kelliema fl-avveniment dirett. Mal-Katalunja u Barċellona...

US – IAGR confirms September event will go ahead in person in Boston

The International Association of Gaming Regulators (IAGR) have confirmed that their 2021 Conference will go ahead in person from September 12 to 17 2021 in Boston Massachusetts, USA. In announcing the re-scheduled event IAGR President Mr Mabutho Zwane said: “As regulators, we recognise ongoing dialogue and collaboration across nations is vital to the continued success…

US - NCPG jirċievi appoġġ għall-konferenza li ġejja

Il-Kunsill Nazzjonali dwar il-Logħob tal-Ażżard Problemi huwa grati għall-appoġġ sinifikanti mill-isponsors statali, nazzjonali u internazzjonali, li taw is-setgħa lin-nonprofit biex tipproduċi l-34 Konferenza Nazzjonali tagħha dwar id-Dipendenza fuq il-Logħob tal-Ażżard u l-Logħob Responsabbli. Oriġinarjament ippjanat għal Lulju f'Washington, DC, il-format tal-konferenza ġie adattat biex jippermetti l-attendenza matul il-pandemija, filwaqt li pprovda...

Germany – Gaming in Germany opening conference welcomes over 150 participants

Despite the difficult circumstances caused by the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic, the Gaming in Germany opening conference that took place last week exceeded all expectations as more than 150 participants (in person and remotely) came together. A spokesperson said: “We are very pleased that we have succeeded in providing so many professionals with accurate and timely…

L-Istati Uniti – Il-Konferenza Nazzjonali dwar id-Dipendenza fuq il-Logħob tal-Ażżard u l-Logħob Responsabbli tiċċaqlaq onlajn

The National Conference on Gambling Addiction and Responsible Gambling remains a very important part of the mission of the National Council on Problem Gambling and its biggest event of the year. Now in its 34th iteration, it is the oldest and largest national conference that brings together people from all facets of behavioral health and…

Latin America – SiGMA Americas taps into Latam with trilingual virtual summit

SiGMA Americas and AIBC Digital Summit were launched with great success in the past week, pushing the shifting grounds of the gaming industry towards LatAm and discussing the current developments in digitalisation In line with a growing global portfolio of events, this week SiGMA launched its first foray into LatAm markets, with SiGMA Americas Digital….

Colombia – Coljuegos to host the first Latin American Responsible Gaming Meeting

Coljuegos , the regulator of games of luck and chance in Colombia, is launching 2020 Latin American Responsible Gaming Meeting where regulators and unions will meet on September 17, between 8:30 a.m. and 12:45 p.m., to discuss, disseminate and train on the negative consequences of excessive gambling and promote its practice as a healthy leisure…

Spanja – SBC Summit Barcelona Digital tiżvela kelliema

SBC Summit Barcelona Digital se jkollu l-aktar formazzjoni b'saħħitha ta' kelliema tal-industrija tal-imħatri u tal-logħob tal-2020, b'Carsten Koerl (CEO, Sportradar), Tim Heath (CEO Coingaming Group), Paris Smith (CEO, Pinnacle) u Giovanni Garrisi (CEO, Stanleybet). Grupp) fost il-200 eżekuttiv anzjani stabbiliti biex jaqsmu għarfien u ideat siewja. L-avveniment virtwali, li jseħħ fi...

Philippines – ASEAN Gaming Summit postponed to second quarter of 2021

Given the continued uncertainty and travel restrictions due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Asia Gaming Brief has decided to postpone this year’s ASEAN Gaming Summit to Q2, 2021. It was due to take place September 22 to 24 at the Shangri-La at the Fort, Manila, Taguig,in the Philippines. “While it was a difficult decision to postpone…