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Arkivji Tag: Cordoba

L-Arġentina – Inkwiet quddiem għal-logħob onlajn f'Córdoba

Online gambling regulation could hit a potential roadblock in Córdoba over the capital’s refusal to allow online gambling within the city limits.  The government passed rules that give online casinos and sports betting the green light in May. In September the province preselected eight companies to operate online gaming. Both Argentine and foreign companies were invited…

L-Arġentina – Il-logħob tal-azzard onlajn għandu jitnieda f'Córdoba minkejja dewmien

Minkejja dewmien żgħir, il-logħob tal-azzard onlajn issa mistenni jibda jaħdem fil-provinċja ta’ Córdoba eżatt qabel it-Tazza tad-Dinja. L-iskeda oriġinali għat-tnedija kienet l-20 ta’ Ottubru peress li l-kuntratti kellhom jiġu ffirmati bejn il-lotterija u t-tmien kumpaniji li ngħataw il-liċenzja lil...

L-Arġentina – Córdoba tpoġġi tmien kumpaniji għal-liċenzji onlajn

Il-provinċja ta’ Córdoba għażlet minn qabel tmien kumpaniji biex joperaw logħob online. Għalkemm il-provinċja Arġentina għandha l-kapaċità li tapprova għaxar kumpaniji, hija għamlet biss tmienja mqassra, peress li Betway u Skill On Net kienu esklużi. Il-kumpaniji se jkollhom ġimgħatejn biex jikkontestaw ir-rifjuti tagħhom u jisfidaw operaturi oħra li jfisser li n-numru jista’ jitnaqqas...

L-Arġentina – Offerti mressqa għal-liċenzji tal-logħob tal-azzard onlajn f'Córdoba

B'kollox tressqu għaxar offerti għal-liċenzji biex joperaw logħob tal-azzard onlajn fil-provinċja ta' Córdoba. Kumpaniji nazzjonali u internazzjonali ssottomettew l-offerti konġunti tagħhom għall-għaxar liċenzji skedati li jibdew jaħdmu fit-18 ta’ Ottubru ta’ din is-sena. Il-Ġimgħa, 5 ta’ Awwissu, saret l-ewwel parti tal-proċess. Taħt il-...

Argentina – Operator seeks to block online gambling tender in Córdoba

Slot hall operator Compañía de Entretenimientos y Turismo (CET) has filed a judicial appeal to stop the opening of the tender for ten online gaming permits. The operator has had a contract with Lotería de Córdoba since 2002 which grants it the right to be the sole operator in the entire territory beyond the capital, where…

Argentina – Pokerstars and other sites blocked in Córdoba

At the request of the Lottery of Córdoba, legal authorities have blocked www.pokerstars.com as well as other online operators, from organizing and promoting betting without proper authorisation from the Lottery. Although the entire list of blocked sites is not yet known, local authorities told local press that it encompasses all those sites, which can be…

L-Arġentina – Provinċja ta’ Córdoba biex tapplika t-taxxa fuq il-logħob onlajn

The Ministry of Finance for the province of Córdoba has announced that it will begin to apply a tax on online gaming transactions. The new tax, which will go into effect in January, aims to generate around $75m (US$4.4m) a year for state coffers. Credit cards will be responsible for charging players for any online…

Arġentina – Il-leġiżlaturi jallegaw korruzzjoni fuq Ansenuza Casino

Three legislators from the province of Córdoba, Aurelio García Elorrio, Juan Pablo Quinteros and Liliana Montero, have denounced a number of irregularities centring on the construction of the Ansenuza Hotel Casino and Spa. The legislators have provided what they argue is further evidence to prosecutor Gustavo Dalma and drawn attention to architectural firm Federico Weskamp…

Argentina – US$140m bet in Cordoba Slot in 2015

Gross revenues for the 4,000 slot parlours located in 17 cities in the province of Cordoba stood at US$140m during 2015, 31 per cent more than the previous year and 336 per cent more than six years ago. According to statistics released by the Lottery of Cordoba (Córdoba Lottery SA), which is the body responsible…