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Arkivji Tag: Corona Resort u każinò

Il-Vjetnam – Corona Casino se jsir parti minn Phu Quoc United Center ‘all-in-one’

Corona Resort and Casino tal-Vjetnam, proprjetà ta 'Phu Quoc Tourism Investment and Development Company u bħalissa l-uniku post għaċ-ċittadini Vjetnamiżi biex jilagħbu, se jsir parti mill-resort li jinkludi kollox Phu Quoc United Center. Fil-21 ta’ April, 2021, Vingroup Group se jiftaħ uffiċjalment Phu Quoc United Center fit-Tramuntana ta’ Pearl Island (Đảo...

Vietnam – Corona Casino turns a profit of US$4.7m in first six months

Phu Quoc Tourism Investment and Development, owners of Vietnam’s only casino currently open for locals, Corona Resort & Casino, has turned a pre-tax profit of US$4.7m during its first six months of operation. The US$2.1bn resort, located on Phu Quoc Island, opened in January with a three-year trial period allowing Vietnamese locals to play. Corona…