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Arkivji Tag: korruzzjoni

Ir-Repubblika Dominikana – L-investigazzjoni dwar il-korruzzjoni tissaħħaħ

Two Dominican legislators with links to betting businesses have admitted to having paid bribes on a monthly basis to former officials from the gambling regulatory body. According to the Public Ministry, corrupt officials took in around US400k a month in a scheme which all took place under the protection of the then Minister of Finance….

Ir-Repubblika Dominikana – L-ogħla uffiċjali arrestati f’każ ta’ korruzzjoni fil-logħob tal-azzard

A well-known former presidential candidate and three former officials have been accused of embezzling nearly $350 million and illegal campaign financing. The case, called Operation Squid (Operación Calamar) by the Office of the Specialized Prosecutor’s Office for the Prosecution of Administrative Corruption (Pepca) involves Gonzalo Castillo, a former public works minister who previously ran as presidential candidate…

Bolivia – Eight year prison sentence handed down over lottery corruption case

The First Anti-Corruption Sentencing Court of La Paz has handed down an eight year prison sentence to the former Minister of Health, Sonia Polo, who held office during the government of Evo Morales. Polo is accused of the alleged crime of executing resolutions or orders contrary to the constitution for extending a contract in favour of…

Perù – Skandlu tal-match fixing faqqa’ fil-futbol Peruvjan

The Carlos Stein football club had dismissed eight players from the squad on suspicion of links with bookmakers and match fixing. Brandon Palacios, a team player broke the story to local press: “It’s a sensitive issue because they are saying that there are people involved in betting, they are people I know and have a…

Il-Paragwaj – Deputat iwaħħal fil-bord tal-logħob tal-azzard għal nuqqas ta’ flus kontanti għal persuni żvantaġġati

Id-deputat tal-Paragwaj Celeste Amarilla ħa l-mira lejn il-Kummissjoni Nazzjonali tal-Logħob tal-Ażżard (Conajzar) għan-nuqqas tagħha li tipprovdi riżorsi suffiċjenti għas-settur tas-saħħa u dawk li qed jiffaċċjaw tbatija ekonomika. Il-leġiżlatur enfasizza n-nuqqas ta’ riżorsi disponibbli għad-Direttorat tal-Karità u Assistenza Soċjali (DIBEN), u l-Fond Nazzjonali tar-Riżorsi Kollettivi għas-Saħħa...

Il-Messiku – L-iskandlu tal-korruzzjoni tal-flus għal-liċenzji jgħaqqad lil Spanja u l-Messiku

The Spanish National Police are investigating a number of allegedly illegal payments to the daughter of ex president of Mexico Ana Cristina Fox de la Concha from Jordi Pujol Ferrusola, the eldest son of former President of the Catalan Government. The payments are at the centre of a ‘cash for licences’ scandal gripping the Mexican…