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Arkivji Tag: CreedRoomz

Malta – CreedRoomz se jesibixxi s-suite ta’ prodotti fis-SiGMA Europe

CreedRoomz qed itir Malta biex jattendi s-Summit internazzjonali tas-SiGMA Europe li sar fit-13-17 ta’ Novembru 2023. SiGMA Europe se sservi bħala pjattaforma għal CreedRoomz biex tenfasizza l-kompetenza tagħha u tistabbilixxi kooperazzjoni kummerċjali ġdida f’dan ir-reġjun. Fl-espożizzjoni l-kumpanija se tiltaqa' mal-viżitaturi fi Stand 2131 biex tagħmel netwerk u ttejjeb il-prospetti tan-negozju...

L-Istati Uniti – CreedRoomz biex turi s-soluzzjonijiet u t-teknoloġija fl-SBC Summit Latinoamerica

CreedRoomz se jingħaqad mal-SBC Summit Latinoamerica, u juri s-soluzzjonijiet tal-iGaming u t-teknoloġija innovattiva tiegħu. L-avveniment se jsir f’Miami, l-Istati Uniti, mill-1 sat-2 ta’ Novembru. L-avveniment se jara lil CreedRoomz jenfasizza l-kompetenza tiegħu u jifforma sħubijiet kummerċjali f’dan ir-reġjun li qed jikber b’rata mgħaġġla fi Stand C40, fejn se jkunu lesti għan-netwerking, u jgħinu biex...

Armenja – CreedRoomz tniedi l-ewwel blackjack multiplayer b’funzjonalità ta’ cash out

CreedRoomz has officially introduced its first-ever Multiplayer Blackjack, Cash Out Blackjack, enhanced with an unlimited number of players, an instant cashout system and an exciting 6 Side Bets feature. The new live game by CreedRoomz is an innovative answer to market requests where multiplayer live casino games are gaining rapid popularity. In its essence, Cash…

UK – CreedRoomz jieħu l-offerti innovattivi tiegħu għal ICE London 2023

Travelling to ICE London on February 7 to 9 with its extensive portfolio of complete iGaming catalogue, CreedRoomz will also showcase its innovative solutions at the stand N2-150. Along with the all-inclusive range of in-house developed 19 live casino games, CreedRoomz will exhibit its Generic tables and Dedicated halls solutions, all designed to provide higher-player…

Armenja – CreedRoomz jintroduċi logħba ġdida tal-ispettaklu msejħa Richie Roulette

Adding new excitement to the industry, CreedRoomz by BetConstruct is presenting a new twist on standard roulette with the launch of the Richie Roulette game.  The rules of the game are quite simple. The player wins if the ball covers the number on which the bet was made. In order to attract as many players…

UK – BetConstruct tikseb ċertifikazzjoni GLI għall-marka CreedRoomz

Soft Construct (Malta) Limited has successfully passed the GLI certification process for the Live Casino games of CreedRoomz by BetConstruct in Latvia and Lithuania. As a result of continuous work, BetConstruct, a gaming and sports betting provider, has got the green light to promote CreedRoomz live casino offering in the two Baltic countries, Latvia and…

UK – CreedRoomz stabbilit għad-debutt ta’ ICE Londra

Bis-Soluzzjonijiet tal-Casino Live brillanti tiegħu, CreedRoomz se jagħmel id-debutt tiegħu f'ICE London 2022 bejn it-12 u l-14 ta' April. Għall-ewwel darba CreedRoomz se jkollu l-Istand separat N4 - 600 tiegħu stess fl-ICE. Din hija opportunità kbira għall-marka biex turi l-logħob u s-soluzzjonijiet tagħha, tiltaqa' mal-industrija u l-...