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Arkivji Tag: Ċek

Ċeki - każinos Ċeki ordnati jagħlqu għal ħmistax hekk kif ir-rati ta 'infezzjoni jogħlew

Il-każinos fir-Repubblika Ċeka ġew ordnati biex jerġgħu jagħlqu mid-9 ta’ Ottubru bir-rata ta’ infezzjonijiet tkompli tiżdied. L-għeluq se jdum għal mill-inqas 14-il jum. Curfew fir-ristoranti tressaq għat-8 pm Il-Grand Casino fi Brno kien l-ewwel każinò li pprovda lill-pubbliku...

Ċeka – Projbizzjoni ta’ slots ta’ Praga approvata hekk kif jibda r-reġistru nazzjonali ta’ awtoesklużjoni

Żewġ leġiżlazzjonijiet kbar għamlu progress fiċ-Ċek bil-Kunsill tal-Belt ta’ Praga japprova digriet li jipprojbixxi s-slots, il-VLTs u t-terminals tal-logħob kollha fi Praga filwaqt li l-Ministeru tal-Finanzi tar-Repubblika Ċeka nieda reġistru ta’ awto-esklużjoni li se jippermetti lil lagħba jimblokka lilhom infushom minn kulħadd. tipi fil-logħob tal-azzard. L-ewwelnett, id-digriet fil-...

Czech – Prague gaming facing life without slots following first approval of new laws

Slots and VLTs are facing an outright ban in the Czech capital of Prague draft legislation presented to the City Council on September 10. The legislation would ban all mechanical, electromechanical and electronic slots and video lottery terminals in the capital whilst allowing traditional table gaming to remain. Although the ban would kick in immediately,…

Ċeka/Ungerija – SIS tassigura ftehimiet esklussivi tat-tlielaq Ċeki u Ungeriżi

SIS (Sports Information Services), il-fornitur ewlieni tas-servizzi tal-imħatri 24/7, espandiet aktar il-portafoll tat-tlielaq taż-żwiemel wara li ffirma ftehimiet ma’ LAB li jirrappreżenta t-tlielaq Ċeki u Kincsem Park, id-dar tat-tlielaq Ungeriż, biex isir id-distributur esklussiv ta’ stampi ħajjin. u dejta tat-tiġrijiet taż-żwiemel Ċeki u Ungeriżi. Bħala parti minn dawn il-ġodda...

Ċek – EGT jistabbilixxi uffiċċju fi Praga biex iservi lir-Repubblika Ċeka

Euro Games Technology has opened an office in Prague from where sales and service operations will cover the whole of the Czech market, including the border regions that are considered a relatively different segment in the local market. The establishment is a result of the cooperative efforts and expertise of two practitioners in the gaming…

Czech – IGT signs facilities management and licensing contract with SAZKA

IGT Global Services has signed a long-term contract with SAZKA, the market-leading operator of lottery and betting games in the Czech Republic, to provide technology products and services through an upgraded lottery central system, next-generation lottery terminals, a new digital lottery platform, and associated content and services. The contract was effective as of March 31,…

Ċek – Il-King's Casino ta' Rozvadov ipoġġi projbizzjoni temporanja fuq plejers Taljani

The King’s Casino in Rozvadov, Czech, is banning Italians from playing, staying or visiting its property as it looks to help prevent the spread of the coronavirus. The casino, home to the largest poker room in Europe, said that the new policy will go into effect immediately and will last for an ‘undetermined amount of…

Czech – NSoft to be the silver sponsor of Prague Gaming Summit

NSoft will actively participate at the Prague Gaming Summit 2020, for the second year in the row, first out of four major events organized by European Gaming Media and Events. NSoft is a silver sponsor of the Prague Gaming Summit event as well as the upcoming events: CEEGC Budapest, European Gaming Congress (EGC) and Mare…

Czech – Prague Gaming Summit gears up for record-breaking year

The Prague Gaming Summit, Central and Eastern Europe (CEE)’s largest betting and gaming industry conference, is ready to smash all attendance records this year with its largest line-up yet. The fourth edition of the show, organised by the CEE region’s leading media platform European Gaming, will take place on the March 6 2020 at Vienna…