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Arkivji Tag: Eurocoin

L-Istati Uniti – JCM se tieħu l-printers tal-Eurocoin fl-Amerika

JCM Global u Eurocoin espandew ir-relazzjoni fit-tul tagħhom. Taħt ftehim ġdid, JCM issa se jirrappreżenta printers Eurocoin fl-Amerika ta 'Fuq u l-Amerika Latina għal firxa wiesgħa ta' applikazzjonijiet kummerċjali. JCM huwa l-fornitur ewlieni ta 'printers termali fis-suq tal-każinò, u li żżid printers Eurocoin mal-portafoll tagħha se tippermetti lill-kumpanija...

Il-Greċja - Eurocoin tiċċelebra l-ftuħ tal-11-il uffiċċju Ewropew f'Ateni

Eurocoin has expanded its already extensive European footprint with the opening of a new Greek E-Service office. Situated in Athens, the technical service and support operation raises the total number of offices which operate under the Eurocoin Group umbrella to 11, underlining the company’s commitment to provide a fully integrated support service which meets the…

UK – Eurocoin jaħtar lil Gary Parkin

Eurocoin has appointed Gary Parkin to the position of European Technical Sales Project Manager, a new expansion role at the company, which takes place with immediate effect. “Gary is a widely-respected professional, who has 30 years of gaming industry experience in both casino operations and the manufacturing sector,” announced Eurocoin Group Sales Director Colin Veitch….

ICE – Eurocoin to distribute CardLogix’s smart cards

CardLogix, a leading supplier of smart cards and software for the international casino and gaming industry, announced that it has appointed Eurocoin to sell its products in Europe. The sales partnership will be featured at the ICE Totally Gaming tradeshow in the Eurocoin Space N2-322, February 2 to 4 at Excel in London, where CardLogix…

Ir-Renju Unit – Eurocoin tiddikjara l-mantell tal-'Fornituri tas-Soluzzjoni Totali TITO' tal-industrija

Eurocoin se jkun fl-EAG ta 'din il-ġimgħa (stand 424) b'reputazzjoni stabbilita li għandu l-aktar portafoll komprensiv ta' prodotti u servizzi tal-industrija biex jgħin lill-operaturi ta 'kull daqs jimmassimizzaw l-opportunitajiet ta' negozju enormi offruti minn TITO. It-tim speċjalizzat tal-Eurocoin TITO, immexxi mill-Maniġer Nazzjonali tal-Bejgħ, Paul Smith, se jkun qed juri xejn inqas minn...

UK – Eurocoin buys PlaysafeMonitoring

Eurocoin, the specialist supplier of components, after-sales service and system-based hardware across the gaming, leisure and amusement sectors, has acquired PlaysafeMonitoring. Bath-based Playsafe is a market-leading systems business providing real-time reporting and analytics services for hundreds of gaming and leisure venues across the UK and Europe. The Playsafe Monitoringteam are widely respected for their expertise…

UK – JCM issemmi żewġ distributuri ġodda fis-suq arcade tar-Renju Unit

Nimxu biex jipprovdi servizz saħansitra aħjar għan-negozju tagħha Ticket2Go TITO li qed jikber malajr, JCM Global semmiet żewġ distributuri ġodda fis-suq tar-Renju Unit arcade/AGC. Eurocoin u Town and County Leisure se jaħdmu direttament mal-operaturi arcade u AGC madwar ir-Renju Unit biex ifornu s-soluzzjoni Ticket2Go, ittejjeb it-teħid tal-cashbox għall-operaturi u tnaqqas b'mod sinifikanti...

L-Istati Uniti – TransAct testendi l-ftehim ma’ Suzo-Happ għal distributur esklussiv Ewropew

TransAct Technologies espandiet il-ftehim ta’ distribuzzjoni eżistenti u esklussiv ta’ bosta snin ma’ Suzo-Happ biex issa jinkludi t-territorji Ewropej kollha li jibdew fl-1 ta’ Jannar 2015. Dan jagħmel lil Suzo-Happ id-distributur globali esklussiv tas-soluzzjonijiet tal-istampar tal-każinò u tal-logħob TransAct għal każinò u logħob. operaturi fl-Istati Uniti kif ukoll kemm operaturi kif ukoll manifatturi fl-Ewropa u...

Spain – Roll-out continues for Eurocoin’s E-Service España

Eurocoin Directors Colin and Nick Veitch have welcomed their new shareholder-partner Fernando Dumont to their London HQ, as the roll-out of their new jointly-owned Spanish business continues to make rapid progress. The partners have been working together in Spain for two years now, and the results have encouraged them to formalise the relationship into a…