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Arkivji Tag: GIGSE

L-Istati Uniti – Clarion jillokalizza żewġ marki tal-logħob biex joħloq preżenza formidabbli madwar l-Amerika

Clarion Gaming ikkonsolida l-pożizzjoni tiegħu fl-Ameriki billi kkolocalizza l-avvenimenti tad-ditta GiGse u Juegos Miami fil-post popolari tal-Biltmore Hotel f’Miami (it-30 ta’ Mejju – l-1 ta’ Ġunju). GiGse, li jgħin lill-partijiet interessati jħejju ditti għal kanali futuri u swieq regolati biex jikkumerċjalizzaw il-logħob fil-klima attwali, jimxi mill-tradizzjonali tiegħu...

US – GiGse Launchpad finalists set to disrupt rigid framework of US gaming

Clarion Gaming’s Head of Content, Ewa Bakun, described the shortlist of finalists for this year’s GiGse Launchpad as being ‘some outstanding examples of disruptive thinking that push the boundaries of the US regulatory framework.’ The Launch pad is being organised in partnership with GamCrowd. The GiGse Launchpad, provides start-ups with a once in a life…

US – 52 thought leaders to speak at GiGse 2017

April’s GiGse, the first to be held at the Marriott Marquis Marina, San Diego (26th – 28th April), will feature a total of 52 thought leaders who will deliver 40 hours of insight over two streams – Activate 2017 and Activate 2027. Confirmed speakers include, John Kenefick, Vice President Chief Information Officer, Penchanga Resort and…

US – C-Suiters dominate GiGse audience

GiGse is one of the most popular gaming events for C-Suite professionals, according to analysis of the attendance data from the 2016 edition. 61 per cent of delegates at GiGse were classified as C-Level with a further 21 per cent deemed as being either Directors or VPs. The concentration of ‘C-Suiters’ is amongst the highest…

US – GiGse to focus on ‘unconventional thinking’ as registration goes live

‘GiGse’s role is to stand up and challenge conventional thinking’ is how Ewa Bakun, Clarion Gaming’s Head of Content, chose to describe the importance of the forthcoming edition which is being held for the first time at San Diego’s Marriott Marquis Marina (April 26 – 28). GiGse delegates will be presented with three days packed…

L-Istati Uniti – Dawk li attendew GiGse jsejħu l-format ta’ Open Space

GiGse 2015 has been hailed as the most productive and interactive edition of the annual iGaming industry gathering so far by leading influencers who attended last month’s event at the Hyatt Regency in San Francisco, California. GiGse brought together top decision-makers from within and outside the sector to offer their perspectives of some of the…

US – Companies benefit from reducing risk of problem gambling, NCPG says

Gaming companies can benefit both customers and themselves by helping to minimise problem gambling, according to Keith Whyte, the Executive Director of the National Council on Problem Gambling (NCPG), who will be appearing in a GiGse in San Francisco later this month. The NCPG, which was set up in 1972, is a non-governmental organisation whose…

L-Istati Uniti - White Paper ta' Santa Ysabel tistabbilixxi pożizzjoni legali qabel GiGse

Ftit jiem qabel ma tkellem f’GiGse f’San Francisco, it-tribù lipay Nation of Santa Ysabel mill-Kalifornja ppubblikat white paper li tiddikjara għaliex temmen li għandha titħalla toffri poker u tombla fuq l-internet. Il-white paper, li tiddeskrivi għaliex it-tribù jemmen li l-istat qed joħroġ 'il barra mil-liġi tagħhom...

US – NBA to discuss sportsbetting regulation at GiGse

The National Basketball Association (NBA) will provide its perspective on the evolving US sports betting sector at GiGse later this month in San Francisco, California. Dan Spillane, the NBA’s Vice President and Assistant General Counsel, will feature in a session entitled ‘understanding the evolving stance of sports leagues on legalization of sportsbetting’. The session, which…