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Arkivji Tag: GPI

Franza - sidien Ġappuniżi ta 'GPI biex jaqtgħu 80 impjieg

Is-sidien Ġappuniżi ta' Angel France, sussidjarja Franċiża tal-korporazzjoni Gaming Partners International (GPIC (li qabel kienet Bourgogne & Grasset), iridu jkeċċu 80 impjegat minn 105. Huma ppreżentaw PSE lill-persunal elett ippreżentaw proġett ta' sensja kollettiva għal raġunijiet ekonomiċi dwar 80 mill-105 impjegat fiż-żewġ siti tagħha f'Savigny-les-Beaune...

US – Encore Boston Harbor jagħżel GPI għal-logħob dirett tiegħu

Gaming Partners International (GPI), fornitur ewlieni ta 'munita każinò, karti tal-logħob, dadi, layouts tal-mejda, imwejjed tal-logħob u aċċessorji tħabbar li rċevew ordni sinifikanti minn Encore Boston Harbor f'Massachusetts. Il-proprjetà Wynn Resorts hija mistennija li tiftaħ f'Ġunju 2019. GPI qed tforni l-proprjetà b'aktar minn 200 logħob iddisinjat apposta (Wynn)...

Ġappun – Angel Holdings tixtri Gaming Partners International għal $110m

Angel Holdings Godo Kaisha, manifattur tal-karti tal-logħob li jħares lejn l-Asja, xtara lil Gaming Partners International għal $110m. GPI kkonfermat li kienet daħlet fi 'ftehim ta' amalgamazzjoni ma' Angel li permezz tiegħu Angel se jakkwista GPIC għal flus kontanti.' Il-konsiderazzjoni li għandha titħallas lill-azzjonisti ta' GPIC se tkun ta' $13.75 fi flus għal kull sehem ta' GPIC komuni...

US – GPI showing Intricate Edge Inserts and Hollow Shot

Gaming Partners International new currency security features available in both its BG Premium and V-Series molded chips and Paulson traditional compression molded chips are Intricate Edge Inserts. This new advanced feature allows for the inclusion of more complex edge insert designs that cannot be achieved through traditional injection molding methods. As a result, customers can…

US - GPI qed tfittex CEO ġdid bħala dħul aktar mid-doppju

Gregory Gronau has resigned from his positions of Chief Executive Officer, President, Director, Secretary, and Treasurer, from Gaming Partners International effective September 21, 2018. Mr. Gronau’s resignation is for personal reasons, and not a result of any disagreement with the company or its management. He will provide part-time consulting services to the company following his…

ICE – GPI to show its new Focus on injection moulded chips

Chip specialist Gaming Partners International has added newly developed and advanced options to its vast suite of currency security features in time for ICE, including adding a new Focus feature into its injection molded chips. Focus is an advanced covert security feature that will be demonstrated to some of our select customers. In addition, BG…

G2E Las Vegas – GPI enhancing its BG V-Series at G2E

Gaming Partners International will be at G2E showing its BG V-Series, manufactured with a new, innovative and highly durable injection material formula, was developed to provide customers a gaming currency option with advanced chip design flexibility. BG chip customers can now include the new Focus security feature into their chips. Focus is a new and…

Iċ-Ċina - GPI biex tenfasizza s-soluzzjonijiet innovattivi tal-munita u l-RFID f'G2e Asia

Gaming Partners International will be at this year’s Global Gaming Expo being held at the Venetian Macao with an extensive suite of table game products including chips, plaques, jetons, playing cards, RFID solutions, layouts and dice. GPI will be showcasing these as well as its newest currency, table layout and RFID offerings to its Asian…

L-Istati Uniti - GPI tara d-dħul jiżdied fl-2016

Gaming Partners International (GPI) reported net income of US$700,000 for the fourth quarter of 2016 and revenues of US$23.1m. The results compared with net income of US$3.4m on US$23.5m in revenue for the fourth quarter of 2015. For full year 2016, the company posted net income of US$5.2m on revenues of US$82.1m, compared to net…