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Arkivji Tag: Hamilton

New Zealand - SkyCity biex terġa 'tiftaħ il-casinos ta' Hamilton u Queenstown

SkyCity Entertainment qed jistenna li jerġa' jiftaħ il-każinò u l-faċilitajiet ta' divertiment tiegħu f'Hamilton u Queenstown mit-8 ta' Settembru 2021, wara tħabbira mill-Gvern ta' New Zealand dwar li l-Livell ta' Twissija COVID-19 għal New Zealand, eskluż Auckland, se jimxi għal-Livell ta' Twissija 2 minn Settembru. 7 2021. SkyCity se terġa’ tiftaħ il-proprjetajiet tagħha ta’ Hamilton u Queenstown…

New Zealand – SkyCity forced to close in Auckland, Hamilton and Queenstown

New Zealand casino company SkyCity is being forced to close its Auckland, Hamilton and Queenstown casino and entertainment facilities due to an increase in COVID infections. SkyCity’s Auckland hotels will remain open to accommodate existing guests currently staying in-house, pending further advice from the New Zealand Government. The operator said: “These measures have been implemented…

New Zealand - SkyCity Entertainment kapaċi tneħħi r-restrizzjonijiet tal-COVID f'Auckland, Hamilton u Queenstown

SkyCity Entertainment’s casino in Auckland will be able to return to normal operations this week, joining venues in Hamilton and Queenstown where social distancing and the wearing of masks are no longer needed. The operator said: “The SkyCity Auckland property will be able to operate without restrictions on mass gatherings and physical distancing requirements from…

New Zealand – SkyCity applies to substitute tables for slots at Hamilton casino

In a first for the New Zealand casino sector, SkyCity has asked the New Zealand Gambling Commission for more slot machines at its Hamilton casino in place of live gaming tables, saying the ‘modest’ request has come from player demand. If approved the change would take the slot quota up by 60 machines to 399…