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JCM Global se turi prodotti rivoluzzjonarji fil-wirja FIJMA f'Madrid

JCM Global, a pioneer in cutting-edge payment solutions for the gaming industry, is poised to make a significant impact at the upcoming International Gaming Fair of Madrid (FIJMA) in Madrid, Spain next month. As the premier event in the leisure and gaming sector, FIJMA presents a unique opportunity for industry leaders to explore the latest…

Synot Games tniedi Magnetic Wild

Synot Games has just launched Magentic Wild, offering multiple levels of feature buy for the very first time. In addition to buying Freespins at 100x the bet, players can also buy up to three of the principal Wild features with each expanding to offer a multiplier of up to 100x. Michael Polák, Lead Game Producer…

Spintec igawdi minn parteċipazzjoni 'eċċezzjonali' fil-Ġimgħa tal-Gaming tal-GAT

Spintec teamed up with its local distributor Spincol S.A. at the GAT Gaming week at the Cartagena de Indias Convention Center where the Spintec Karma roulettes with a circular topper proved an absolute hit once again. This year, Spintec introduced Carisma, its latest breakthrough product, which with an elegant and sleek design attracts attention at…

Il-profitti netti ta' Svenska Spel jonqsu wara l-għeluq tal-każinò fl-ewwel kwart

Following the closures of Casino Cosmopol in Malmö and Gothenburg in order to reduce losses, Swedish operator Svenska Spel said its first quarter was marked by a period of adjustment as it looks to lay the foundation for continued successful operations. Gaming revenue was down one per cent with the underlying business remained stable with…

Conall McSorley ħabbar bħala Kap ġdid tat-Tlielaq fis-SIS

Is-SIS (Servizzi ta' Informazzjoni dwar l-Isport), il-fornitur ewlieni b'ħafna kontenut ta' servizzi ta' mħatri ħajjin 24/7, ħabbar il-promozzjoni ta' Conall McSorley għal Kap tat-Tlielaq. Fir-rwol il-ġdid tiegħu, McSorley se jkun primarjament responsabbli għall-proposta tal-prodott tat-tlielaq tas-SIS, li jfassal l-istrateġija u d-direzzjoni fuq il-kanali tal-bejgħ bl-imnut u diġitali. Huwa se jaħdem mal-partijiet interessati globalment biex...

NSW tpoġġi fiduċja fil-Kuruna peress li ssib operatur adattat biex iżomm il-liċenzja tiegħu ta' Sydney

The NSW Independent Casino Commission has found Crown Sydney suitable to retain its casino licence after nearly three years of intensive remediation. Chief Commissioner, Philip Crawford, said Crown has come a long way and must now demonstrate its long-term commitment to maintaining suitability. The NICC is confident the Crown we deemed suitable today has a…

EGT Digital tgawdi PublicWin bi ftehim ta' slot online Rumen

Romanian operator PublicWin has enriched its gaming portfolio with the top-performing slots of EGT Digital. The titles of Bell Link and Clover Chance jackpots have won the hearts of the visitors to PublicWin’s site since the very beginning, currently being among their favorites. Tsvetomira Drumeva, Head of Sales at EGT Digital, said: “We are happy that EGT Digital’s games are once again…

Il-pjanijiet tal-każinò ta’ Wynn għall-Hudson Yards ta’ NYC ikkritikaw għat-tnaqqis tal-pjanijiet tad-djar

L-offerta ta’ $12-il biljun ta’ Wynn Resorts għal każinò fl-Hudson Yards tal-Belt ta’ New York qed tiffaċċja oppożizzjoni minn grupp komunitarju li ċaqlaq il-proġett talli jidher li ġġarraf il-pjanijiet tad-djar li kienu ġew imwiegħda għaż-żona. Ftehim innegozjat mill-Bord tal-Komunità 4 ta’ Manhattan fl-2009, kellu jġib 5,700 appartament u bini kummerċjali wieħed għal...

Bragg Gaming u Light & Wonder jiffirmaw ftehim ta’ distribuzzjoni internazzjonali

Bragg Gaming Group has signed an international online casino content distribution agreement with Light & Wonder. The agreement will see high-performing games from Bragg’s proprietary studios, Atomic Slot Lab, Indigo Magic, Wild Streak Gaming and Spin Games added to Light & Wonder’s online ecosystem. Exclusive content from the supplier’s Powered by Bragg partners will also…