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Arkivji Tag: Horseshoe Casino Cincinnati

L-Istati Uniti – Rock Gaming tibdel il-marka għal Jack Entertainment

Rock Gaming, operatur tal-casinos f’Ohio u Detroit, reġa’ ssejjaħ Jack Entertainment. Il-marka mill-ġdid ta 'Rock Gaming issegwi t-tħabbira tas-sena l-oħra li akkwistat il-bilanċ ta' ishma pendenti li tagħti lil kumpanija affiljata sjieda ta '100 fil-mija tal-proprjetajiet. Sussegwentement, Rock Gaming eżerċitat l-għażla tagħha li tassumi l-ġestjoni operattiva ta’ kuljum ta’ Horseshoe Cleveland,...

US – Horseshoe pays out two $1m prizes to players with the same name

The Horseshoe Casino in Cincinnati has paid out twice after competition organisers blundered and awarded the official US$1m prize to a man with the same name as the winner. Having realised they had two men on their database with the same name and similar profiles, management at the Ohio casino decided to pay out the…