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Arkivji Tag: IAGR

Botswana – IAGR calls for speakers for upcoming Botswana conference

The International Association of Gaming Regulators is looking for speakers to share their ideas, work, research and expertise at the eagerly anticipated annual conference in Botswana. Speaker submissions are open until 28 February 2023. IAGR2023: Bringing Ideas Togetherwill be held in Gaborone, Botswana, from 16 to 19 October 2023. The conference will be a live,…

L-Awstralja - IAGR toħroġ programm tal-konferenzi għal IAGR2022

The International Association of Gaming Regulators has released the program for its annual conference, taking place in Melbourne, Australia from 17 to 20 October. The program is available on IAGR’s website, with early-bird ticket prices on offer until 15 August. IAGR Vice President and UK Gambling Commission Director, Ben Haden, believes the line-up is one…

US – IAGR 2022 opens call for speakers for Melbourne conference

The International Association of Gaming Regulators are proud to announce that the Call for Speakers to their eagerly anticipated annual conference, Melbourne 2022: A Kickstart for Collaboration is now open. To be held in Melbourne, Australia from 17 to 20 October 2022, IAGR 2022: A Kickstart for Collaboration will build on the wide-ranging discussions IAGR…

UK – UK Gambling Commission onorata fi premjijiet ġodda tar-regolaturi

Il-Kummissjoni tal-Logħob tal-Ażżard tal-Gran Brittanja u l-Uffiċċju tal-Logħob Responsabbli ta' New South Wales (l-Awstralja) huma r-rebbieħa fil-programm ta' premjijiet inawgurali tal-IAGR, il-Premjijiet Regolatorji Internazzjonali. Ir-rebbieħa tal-premjijiet tħabbru lbieraħ filgħaxija waqt Gala Dinner f’Boston waqt il-konferenza annwali tal-IAGR. Il-premjijiet għandhom l-għan li jirrikonoxxu regolaturi eċċezzjonali li qed jgħinu biex isuqu...

L-Istati Uniti – IAGR se tniedi Premjijiet Regolatorji Internazzjonali

IAGR has launched its inaugural awards program, the International Regulatory Awards, and invites IAGR members to nominate outstanding regulatory outcomes and contributions both in their own jurisdiction and globally. “There has never been a greater need for gaming regulators to be innovative in their regulatory practice,” says Catherine Myers, IAGR Trustee and CEO of the…

L-Istati Uniti - IAGR tikkonferma li l-avveniment ta 'Settembru se jkompli personalment f'Boston

L-Assoċjazzjoni Internazzjonali tar-Regolaturi tal-Logħob (IAGR) ikkonfermaw li l-Konferenza tagħhom tal-2021 se tkompli personalment mit-12 sas-17 ta 'Settembru 2021 f'Boston Massachusetts, l-Istati Uniti. Meta ħabbar l-avveniment skedat mill-ġdid, il-President tal-IAGR is-Sur Mabutho Zwane qal: "Bħala regolaturi, nagħrfu li d-djalogu u l-kollaborazzjoni kontinwi bejn in-nazzjonijiet huma vitali għas-suċċess kontinwu...

US – IAGR and IGSA announce collaboration for effective and efficient gaming regulation

In a first for both organisations, the International Association of Gaming Regulators (IAGR) and the International Gaming Standards Association (IGSA) are pleased to announce a collaboration aimed at maximising opportunities for effective and efficient gaming regulation. In announcing the initiative IAGR President Mr Mabutho Zwane said, “As regulators, we recognise that dialogue with industry is…

L-Istati Uniti - Stħarriġ tal-IAGR juri 80 fil-mija għandhom tħassib dwar il-konfluwenza tal-logħob tal-azzard u l-logħob

Ir-rapport tal-Assoċjazzjoni Internazzjonali tar-Regolaturi tal-Logħob (IAGR) Gambling and gaming – blurred lines reċentement ġie rilaxxat, li jiżvela tħassib globali dwar forom emerġenti ta' logħob tal-azzard. Ir-rapport sab li l-logħob soċjali, l-imħatri tal-ġlud, il-kaxxi tal-loot u l-imħatri tal-esports saru dejjem aktar prevalenti internazzjonalment bir-regolaturi minn madwar id-dinja jirċievu lmenti mingħand il-konsumaturi. President tal-IAGR, Paul...

US – IAGR reschedules Boston conference to next year

The International Association of Gaming Regulators (IAGR) has announced the postponement of its annual conference: Disrupting the Regulator: Sparking innovation in regulatory practice #IAGR2020 Boston until September 12 to 17 2021. After monitoring governmental public health advice and associated jurisdictional developments regarding the COVID-19 pandemic over recent months, the Board of Trustees determined it was…