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Arkivji Tag: Ispira lil Ateni

Il-Greċja – Mohegan jiġbed uffiċjalment il-plagg fuq Inspire Athens

Mohegan Gaming and Entertainment (MGE) issa kkonferma li telaq minn Inspire Athens, l-iżvilupp propost tal-każinò fl-ajruport internazzjonali mitluq ta’ Hellenikon fuq il-kosta ta’ Ateni minħabba kwistjonijiet finanzjarji. Il-kumpanija ddikjarat: “MGE wettqet reviżjoni komprensiva tal-operazzjonijiet tagħha u l-impenji futuri fl-isfond il-ġdid maħluq minn...

Greece – Opening of InspireAthens could be put back to 2026

Mohegan Gaming has put a two year delay on the opening of InspireAthens, comprising a casino and two hotels being planned for the landmark plot of Athens’ former international airport on the southern coast at Elliniko, taking the timeline as late as 2026. The last communication on the casino’s progress came from Greek Investment Minister…

Greece – Mohegan Gaming finally confirmed as casino operator for Hellinikon project

The Hellenic Gaming Commission has finally confirmed its selection of Mohegan Gaming & Entertainment (MGE) to develop the first Integrated Resort and Casino in Greece. The winning bid from MGE, submitted in partnership with GEK TERNA, proposes a state-of-the-art development plan, INSPIRE Athens, that includes a luxury hotel, premier entertainment venues, convention center, shopping, dining,…

Il-Greċja – Mohegan joffri ħames darbiet il-prezz minimu tal-offerta għal-liċenzja ta’ Hellinikon

Mohegan Gaming & Entertainment, its Greek partner GEK TERNA, and the consortium behind its bid to bring Inspire Athens to fruition has offered €150m for the 30-year licence needed to operate the 120 table and 1,200 slot casino resort. Mohegan Gaming is the sole bidder in the much-delayed tender process to build a casino resort…

Il-Greċja – Hard Rock jitlef l-appell tiegħu fuq l-għoti tal-każinò Hellinikon

Wara rifjut preċedenti f’Marzu, l-ogħla qorti amministrattiva tal-Greċja ċaħdet appell minn Hard Rock International li kienet ġiet eskluża b’mod żbaljat mis-sejħa għall-offerti għal każinò fl-eks ajruport ta’ Hellinikon. Hard Rock kien kunfidenti li l-isfida tagħha fil-qorti se tara lill-kumpanija ssir id-detentur tal-liċenzja. Hija kienet sostniet li...

Greece – Moody’s warns of potential default by Mohegan Gaming

Moody’s Investors Service believes that Mohegan Gaming & Entertainment, the Connecticut-based casino group who won the license for an E8bn casino at the former Hellenikon International Airport in Greece, is at risk of default. Earlier this month, Mohegan missed a $19.7m interest payment with the operator claiming it didn’t make the payment as it is…

Il-Greċja – Il-Kummissjoni Hellenic Gaming tikkonferma li Mohegan Gaming rebaħ il-liċenzja ta’ Ateni

Hellenic Gaming Commission has confirmed it has chosen Inspire Athens, a partnership between Mohegan Gaming and Entertainment and local company GEK TERNA for its new casino at the former Athens airport of Hellinikon, on the Athens seafront. Development Minister Adonis Georgiadis said: “The goal remains to have bulldozers at Hellinikon in early 2020.” The rival…

Il-Greċja – Mohegan Gaming tiżvela pjanijiet għal Inspire Athens

Mohegan Gaming and Entertainment, u s-sieħeb Grieg tagħha GEK TERNA, neħħew il-purtiera fuq il-pjanijiet tagħhom għal Inspire Athens, il-kunċett tagħha għall-ewwel Integrated Resort and Casino fil-Greċja. Il-resort jikkonsisti f'lukanda lussuża, postijiet tad-divertiment, ċentru tal-konvenzjonijiet, xiri, dining, każinò, u taħlita komprensiva ta 'kumditajiet premium. L-iżvilupp se...