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Arkivji Tag: ITL

Spain – ITL Sales Director celebrates 25 years of service

ITL’s Sales Director, Mustapha Hadj-Ahmed, celebrated an impressive 25 years at the company this month. Based at the company’s Spanish office in Barcelona, Mustapha has been an integral part of ITL’s success and expansion across Europe and South America. Commenting on his 25-year milestone, Mr Hadj-Ahmed said: “I joined ITL in 1996 and created the…

South America – ITL recruit new Business Development Manager for South America

Innovative Technology (ITL) have recently recruited Augusto de Andrade as Business Development Manager to assist with expanding its cash validation and facial recognition offerings throughout Brazil and other emerging regions within South America. He will be responsible exclusively for ITL’s retail, kiosk and banking (RKB) customers. Mustapha Hadj-Ahmed, ITL Sales Director, said: “Augusto will be…

Ġermanja – ITL Customer Support Manager Mirko Zwing jiċċelebra 15-il sena ta 'servizz

Innovative Technology have announced that one of their long-standing technical support personnel is celebrating 15 years’ service with the company this month. Mirko Zwing is based in ITL’s German office in Pinneberg and has been given a series of promotions over the years. Commenting on this long-standing achievement Mirko said: “I first joined ITL in…

France – ITL recruits Business Development Manager to capitalise on growing industry in France

Innovative Technology (ITL) has appointed Stephan Rosseneu as Business Development Manager responsible for ITL’s French customers. Mr. Rosseneu is based near Lyon and is responsible for all ITL sales activities in France, Benelux and French speaking region of Switzerland. Thorsten Labusch, VP of Sales & Business Development for ITL, said: “I would like to extend…

UK – Group Managing Director Peter Dunlop celebrates 25 years at ITL

Innovative Technology’s (ITL) Group Managing Director, Peter Dunlop, celebrates a quarter of a century at the company this month. From university placement to heading up this successful international company, Mr. Dunlop and his management team have developed, transformed, and established ITL as a leading cash handling and validation business with offices worldwide and several hundred…

UK – ITL’s age verification receives independent certification

Innovative Technology’s age verification device (ICU) has earned independent recognition from the Age Check Certification Scheme (ACCS) as a solution qualified to control access to age restricted goods and services. The ACCS report concluded that ICU is fit for deployment in a Challenge 25 policy area and is at least 98.85% reliable. Dr Andrew O’Brien,…

UK – ITL iħabbar il-Medda ta’ Validatur ta’ Nota Spettrali NV200

L-NV200 Spectral minn Teknoloġija Innovattiva issa huwa stabbilit sew fis-suq bħala validatur tal-karti tal-flus sigur ħafna u teknoloġikament avvanzat iddisinjat biex jiżgura ipproċessar effiċjenti tal-flus kontanti. Hija l-pedament għal bosta prodotti ġodda fil-firxa Spectral li ITL nediet matul l-aħħar ftit snin u bl-użu tad-disinn modulari tagħha hija...

Ir-Russja – ITL se turi l-aħħar riċiklaturi u rikonoxximent tal-wiċċ fil-VendExpo tar-Russja

Teknoloġija Innovattiva hija stabbilita biex turi l-aħħar prodotti tagħha mmirati lejn is-suq tal-bejgħ u self-service fil-VendExpo ta 'Moska fit-23 sal-25 ta' Marzu 2021. L-14-il wirja internazzjonali ta 'teknoloġiji tal-bejgħ u sistemi self-service se ssir fiċ-ċentru tal-Expo wara l-posponiment tal-avveniment is-sena l-oħra minħabba l-pandemija. Georgiy…

UK – ITL tħabbar skoperta ta’ spoof mhux intrużiv għat-teknoloġija tar-rikonoxximent tal-wiċċ

ITL nediet skoperta ta 'spoof mhux intrużiva għat-teknoloġija tar-rikonoxximent tal-wiċċ tagħha ta' Identifikazzjoni Intelliġenti. Identifikazzjoni Intelliġenti minn ITL toffri tliet funzjonijiet; verifika tal-età biex tiġi awtomatizzata biex tikkontrolla l-aċċess għal oġġetti u servizzi ristretti għall-età, rikonoxximent tal-wiċċ biex tivverifika u tidentifika b'mod preċiż l-individwi u skoperta tal-kisi tal-wiċċ biex tirrifjuta jew tippermetti dħul sigur fil-bini. Dr…