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Arkivji Tag: Torri tal-Ħolma ta' Jeju

Korea t'Isfel - Lotte Tour Development tiftaħ każinò f'Jeju Dream Tower

Jeju Dream Tower issa fetaħ il-każinò tiegħu għall-barranin biss fil-gżira tal-vaganzi tal-Korea t'Isfel ta 'Jeju, kompluta b'141 tabella, 190 slot u 78 logħob elettroniku tal-mejda. Ir-rilokazzjoni tal-liċenzja tal-casino minn Lotte Hotel Jeju rat il-kwota tal-logħob tiżdied minn 27 mejda tal-logħob u 51 magna tal-logħob. Lawrence Teo, Kap...

South Korea – Jeju Dream Tower moves closer to being able to house relocated casino

Lotte Tour Development Company Limited has taken a huge step towards being able to offer casino gambling at its new Jeju Dream Tower development on the South Korean island of Jeju with approval from the Standing Committee of the Jeju Provincial Council to relocate its current Jeju casino licence to the tower. The relocation will…

Korea t'Isfel - Jeju Dream Tower li jimmira li jniedi l-logħob tal-każinò sa Marzu

Lotte Tour Development Co issa qed tfittex li tniedi l-każinò tagħha f'Jeju Dream Tower sa Marzu. Se tapplika għal permess qabel l-aħħar ta’ Jannar biex tirriloka l-każinò tagħha għall-barranin biss fil-Lotte Hotel Jeju għal Jeju Dream Tower. L-iżvilupp ta’ $1.4 biljun li fetaħ fit-18 ta’ Diċembru 2020 mingħajr ma qatgħet iż-żigarella...

Korea t'Isfel - Jeju Dream Tower se jorganizza l-ftuħ kbir fit-18 ta' Diċembru

Il-kumpanija tat-turiżmu tal-Korea t'Isfel Lotte Tour Development Co ikkonfermat il-ftuħ uffiċjali tal-resort tal-każinò l-ġdid ta 'US $ 1.42 biljun, Jeju Dream Tower, se jsir fit-18 ta' Diċembru. Il-mistednin issa jistgħu jibbukkjaw kmamar fil-lukanda Grand Hyatt ta '1,600 suite. Jeju Dream Tower jinsab fiċ-ċentru ta' Jeju, il-Korea t'Isfel. Lotte Tour kienet inizjalment...

South Korea – Jeju Dream Tower aiming to be the ‘Marina Bay Sands of Jeju’

Lotte Tour, a South Korean tourism and transport company and the owner of Jeju Dream Tower, want its casino to become the ‘Marina Bay Sands of Jeju.’ The 38 storey, $1.4bn investment by Lotte Tour Development is beginning to dominate the skyline where it will soon be the tallest building on the South Korean holiday…

Korea t'Isfel - Il-Gvernatur ta' Jeju jrid jipprojbixxi t-trasferimenti tal-liċenzja tal-każinò

Reports out of South Korea suggest that the Governor of Jeju wants to crack down on casino development on the island, which already is already home to nine casinos. Governor Won Hee-ryong has publicly lauded a law change that would stop the transfer of casino licences from one property to another. “We should, in principle,…

South Korea – Lotte Tour selects Hyatt for Jeju Dream Tower

Lotte Tour Development has selected Hyatt as the hotel operator at its $606m Jeju Dream Tower destined for the island of Jeju in South Korea. The two 38-storey towers will boast 1,626 rooms inside the 75-acre facility with a foreigner-only casino on the second floor. The property, which is being developed in partnership with Chinese…