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Arkivji Tag: Ladbrokes

UK – Racing Post and Ladbrokes launch first paperless betting shops

Ladbrokes has become the first high street bookmaker to launch the new Racing Post Digital Betting Shop Display in two retail shops in Dublin and Galway. The digital product showcases the content that has wallpapered bookmakers for more than 20 years in a new interactive digital format. The launch saw customers introduced to the new…

Turkey – GVC denies any wrongdoing over offloading Turkish assets

GVC, owners of betting brands such as bwin, SportingBet, Ladbrokes and Coral, has moved swiftly to deny reports in the Sunday Times newspaper of any suspicious activity as it offloaded gambling operations in Turkey to smooth the way to its purchase of Ladbrokes Coral. GVC sold its Turkish operations to Ropso Malta Limited for €150m…

UK – UK sports betting giants increase responsible gambling pledge

The big five in UK sports betting, namely Bet365, Paddy Power-owner Flutter, Ladbrokes-owner GVC, Sky Betting and Gaming and William Hill, have agreed to increase the amount the pledge to fund research and treatment into responsible gambling. The companies – Bet365, Paddy Power-owner Flutter, Ladbrokes-owner GVC, Sky Betting and Gaming and William Hill – have…

Ir-Renju Unit – GVC jitlob projbizzjoni sħiħa tar-reklamar tal-logħob tal-azzard fir-Renju Unit

GVC Holdings, sid ta’ Ladbrokes u Coral, talbet għat-tmiem tar-reklamar kollu tax-xandir ta’ mħatri sportivi fir-Renju Unit, fi kwalunkwe ħin tal-ġurnata, f’avvenimenti sportivi diretti u ripetuti, minbarra t-tlielaq taż-żwiemel. Skont il-proposti tal-GVC, ir-reklamar li jippromwovi speċifikament logħob tal-azzard responsabbli u kampanji ta' logħob tal-azzard aktar siguri jkunu permessi, iżda strettament limitati għal reklam wieħed għal kull...

UK – Yggdrasil jiffirma slots jittrattaw ma' Ladbrokes, Coral u Gala ta' GVC

Yggdrasil iffinalizza ftehim ma 'GVC Holdings, sid ta' Ladbrokes, Coral u Gala, biex jipprovdi lil kull marka bil-kontenut tal-logħob tal-casino slots tagħha. Bi preżenza online sinifikanti u netwerk estensiv ta' ħwienet tal-imħatri, Ladbrokes u Coral huma tnejn mill-marki ewlenin tal-imħatri u tal-logħob tar-Renju Unit, filwaqt li Gala hija mexxejja fil-...

UK – L-ewwel operaturi ta’ Ladbrokes u Coral li jieħdu attrezzaturi ġodda mis-SIS

Is-SIS (Servizzi ta' Informazzjoni dwar l-Isport) għandha tespandi l-kontenut tagħha tat-tiġrijiet tal-greyhound b'2,800 tiġrija addizzjonali fis-sena. Ladbrokes u Coral se jkunu fost l-ewwel operaturi li jutilizzaw is-servizz aktar estensiv li se jara l-iskeda tiegħu tiżdied minn 43 għal 48 fixture fil-ġimgħa. L-iskeda l-ġdida tas-SIS Greyhound u l-ħinijiet tat-tiġrijiet huma disponibbli...

Uk – Ladbrokes takes the first steps towards paperless betting on the high street

In a UK industry first, Ladbrokes takes the first steps towards paperless betting on the high street with the launch of its betslip generator, which was developed as an extension of the bookmaker’s Football Buddy feature, available on the Grid App. Customers use Football Buddy to assist in building accumulator bets by helping to find…

UK – Red Tiger live fuq it-terminals ta' Ladbrokes

Red Tiger Gaming has announced the successful launch of Dragon’s Luck on the terminals of leading bookmaker Ladbrokes across the UK. Its roll-out follows a similar deal with Coral in September, when the game proved to be the one of the very top performing slots of 2017. Gavin Hamilton, CEO at Red Tiger Gaming, said…

UK – Competition watchdog says ‘yes’ to GVC’s purchase of Ladbrokes

The UK’s competition watchdog has cleared GVC’s acquisition of Ladbrokes Coral following its merger investigation. The Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) has been carrying out an investigation into the proposed merger. This has found that the merger does not give rise to competition concerns. The CMA said: “We looked closely at betting services for individual…