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Arkivji Tag: Inżul Internazzjonali

Korea – L-inżul jingħata dawl aħdar biex il-liċenzja ta’ Jeju tiġi rilokata għal Jeju Shinhwa World

Landing International has received approval from the Government of Jeju Special SelfGoverning Province to relocate its Landing Casino from Hyatt Regency to Jeju Shinhwa World, the Group’s flagship integrated resort, and increase the exclusive gaming floor area to approximately 5,500 square meters, about seven times of its existing area of approximately 800 square meters. Landing…

Korea t'Isfel - Inżul sfurzat li jdewwem il-ftuħ tal-Jeju Shinhwa World Casino

Landing International is delaying the opening of its Jeju Shinhwa World Casino on South Korea’s Jeju Island due to delays by the Jeju Special Self-Governing Provincial Council in ruling on a relocation request. The foreigner only casino was due to open on January 28 to a later date due with the hope that approvals will…

Korea – Il-lukanda Jeju Shinhwa World's Landing imnedija fil-Korea

Landing Jeju Development, sussidjarja għal kollox ta’ Landing International Development Limited, ħabbret li l-ewwel lukanda tal-Grupp taħt il-marka tiegħu stess – Jeju Shinhwa World Landing Resort, flimkien ma’ Landing Convention Center fetħet fil-11 ta’ Novembru. Dr Yang Zhihui, Chairman u Direttur Eżekuttiv ta’ Landing International u Landing Jeju u s-Sur Jay Lee, Kap...

Korea – Landing to spend additional US$300m on Jeju Shinhwa World

Landing International is to inject an additional investment amount of approximately US$300m into its subsidiary Landing Jeju Development for the development of Jeju Shinhwa World, the first premium integrated resort in Jeju. The total amount invested in the project has now increased to more than US$1.5bn, which is the largest Foreign Direct Investments (FDI) for…

UK – Birmingham City owner to buy Les A for £244m

London’s high-end Mayfair casino Les Ambassadeurs is on the wish list of Birmingham City FC owner and energy tycoon Paul Suen Cho Hung who is considering buying it for £244m. Current owner Landing International Development officially put the VIP property on the market this week after owning it for just 18 months in order to…

Korea t'Isfel - Inżul jidher li jċaqlaq il-liċenzja tal-każinò Hyatt Regency lejn Jeju Shinhwa World

Landing International Development has applied to relocate its foreigner-only casino licence from Hyatt Regency Jeju Hotel to Jeju Shinhwa World, which is expected to open sometime in 2019. Landing said in a filing to the Hong Kong Stock Exchange: “It is recognised that casino is one of the most essential facilities within an integrated resort…

Korea t'Isfel - Four Seasons timpenja ruħha li Resort Jeju Island

Landing Jeju Development u Four Seasons Hotels and Resorts ikkonfermaw pjanijiet għal Four Seasons Resort Jeju Island f'Jeju Shinhwa World, il-Korea t'Isfel. Li tinsab b'mod konvenjenti siegħa biss minn Seoul bl-ajruplan, il-Gżira ta' Jeju hija dar għal xi wħud mill-aktar meravilji naturali spettakolari tal-Korea, inklużi siti multipli tal-UNESCO, netwerk espansiv ta' lava taħt l-art...

Iċ-Ċina - Landing International tfittex li tmur privata

Is-sid ta 'Landing International ibbażat f'Hong Kong, Yang Zhihui, ħabbar l-intenzjoni tiegħu li jieħu lil Landing International Development privat. Il-kumpanija topera Landing Casino fil-Korea u Le Ambassadeurs Club f'Londra. Bħalissa qed tibni Jeju Shinhwa World fil-Korea t'Isfel fil-parti tal-Lbiċ tal-Gżira ta' Jeju. L-offerta ta' akkwist hija meħtieġa mill-Hong...

Korea t'Isfel - Landing International tlesti l-akkwist ta' Jeju Shinhwa World

Landing International Development, sidien tal-każinò Les Ambassadeurs ta’ Londra, issa temm b’suċċess l-akkwist tal-50 fil-mija li jifdal ta’ Jeju Shinhwa World fil-Gżira ta’ Jeju, ir-Repubblika tal-Korea. Ir-resort integrat ta' 2.5m metri kwadri se jniedi fir-raba' kwart tal-2017 b'offerti firxa diversa ta' ospitalità, divertiment,...