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Arkivji Tag: Lexis Nexis

UK – TruNarrative akkwistat minn LexisNexis

TruNarrative ġie akkwistat minn LexisNexis Risk Solutions UK, għal somma mhux żvelata. Id-ditta ta’ Leeds, li tipprovdi pjattaforma bbażata fuq il-cloud biex tiskopri u tipprevjeni l-kriminalità finanzjarja u l-frodi se ssir parti mill-grupp tas-Servizzi tan-Negozju ta’ LexisNexis Risk Solutions. Il-kumpanija parent hija parti mill-grupp RELX ta’ £43 biljun ta’ fatturat ibbażat fl-Istati Uniti, li jimpjega...

US – LexisNexis approved for New Jersey

LexisNexis Risk Solutions has been granted approval by the New Jersey Department of Gaming Enforcement (DGE) to offer identity and age verification services to online gaming operators in the US state. Having established itself in the land-based casino market through the provision of Know Your Customer (KYC) compliance services, LexisNexis has expanded its services in…