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Arkivji Tag: Lotteriinspektionen

L-Isvezja – Casino Cosmopol jiċċertifika skont l-istandard tal-Logħob Responsabbli tal-ECA

Il-Casino Cosmopol mill-Isvezja kiseb ċertifikazzjoni skont il-Qafas tal-Logħob tal-Ażżard Responsabbli tal-ECA wara verifika indipendenti mwettqa mill-Global Gambling Guidance Group (G4). Dan juri li l-kumpanija tal-istat qed taġixxi f'konformità mal-aħħar standards fil-Logħob Responsabbli għall-industrija tal-każinos liċenzjati bbażati fuq l-art li ġew aġġornati mill-ECA fi...

L-Iżvezja – Casino Cosmopol mmultat talli kisret il-liġijiet dwar il-ħasil tal-flus

L-operatur tal-każinò tal-Istat tal-Isvezja, Casino Cosmopol, ġie mmultat SEK8m (€780,200) mir-regolatur nazzjonali Lotteriinspektionen għal dawk li sejjaħ ‘nuqqasijiet serji’ fir-rigward tal-liġijiet dwar il-ħasil tal-flus. Fid-deċiżjoni tagħha, Lotteriinspektionen qalet li Casino Cosmopol, li topera erba’ każinos fl-Isvezja, setgħet tintuża għal attivitajiet ta’ ħasil ta’ flus fuq perjodu ta’ seba’ xhur minn Jannar...

L-Isvezja – Ir-regolatur Żvediż jipprovdi skeda għall-applikazzjonijiet onlajn

Sweden’s Lotteriinspektionen national regulatory body has laid out the timeline for the country’s move to online gaming saying it could make application documents for new licences available from July 10. On June 7 the new Gambling Act was approved by the Riksdag (the Swedish Parliament) with a new license system coming into force from January…

L-Iżvezja – Lotteriinspektionen tistabbilixxi qafas ta' żmien Żvediż

The Swedish Gambling Authority Lotteriinspektionen has said it is preparing to start receiving applications for online gaming licences from 1 July 2018. The government is aiming to publish its draft bill including regulations by March. By the middle of March, the Swedish Gambling Authority is planning to distribute its regulations for referral with parliament expected…

Sweden – Swedish Gambling Authority wants to end online monopoly

The Swedish Gambling Authority Lotteriinspektionen has advised that the country should scrap its monopolistic approach to online gaming and open the market up to international operators. The government-sponsored review, led by Lotteriinspektionen Director General Håkan Hallstedt, recommends that once licensed, online operators should be subject to a tax of 18 per cent on their gross…

Sweden – Svenska Spel calls for online opportunity

Svenska Spel, the state owned gambling monopoly and operator of the country’s four casinos, has asked the government for permission to operate an online casino in 2015. Svenska Spel reported a 6.2 per cent slide in profits and a decline in net gaming revenues to SEK 2.29bn (US $335,906) for the first quarter of 2014….