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Arkivji Tag: Lotterija tal-Istat ta' Massachusetts

L-Istati Uniti – IGT se tipprovdi sistema ċentrali tal-logħob lill-Kummissjoni tal-Lotterija tal-Istat ta' Massachusetts

International Game Technology has signed a new contract with the Massachusetts State Lottery Commission to provide a new central gaming system, terminal software applications, and an integrated Internet website to display general Lottery information. IGT provided the Lottery’s existing central gaming system and lottery terminals in 1996. Over the years, IGT has installed self-service vending…

L-Istati Uniti – Il-Lotterija ta’ Massachusetts testendi l-ftehim ma’ Xjentifiku

Il-kollaborazzjoni ta' 30 sena tal-Logħob Xjentifiku mal-Lotterija ta' Massachusetts se tkompli sena oħra permezz ta' estensjoni tal-kuntratt eżistenti tiegħu bħala fornitur primarju tal-logħob istantaneju. Il-kumpanija tiddisinja u tipproduċi logħob instantanju u tipprovdi servizzi ta' kummerċjalizzazzjoni għal-Lotterija, klassifikata b'mod perenni fl-ewwel post fid-dinja għall-bejgħ istantaneju tal-logħob per capita (La Fleur's Almanac). Niċċelebraw ħamsa...

L-Istati Uniti – Il-Lotterija ta' Massachusetts tiffirma Estensjoni xjentifika

Scientific Games has signed a one-year extension to its instant products contract with the Massachusetts Lottery under which the company will supply the Lottery with instant games, game design and marketing services. The Lottery and Scientific Games launched the world’s first secure instant lottery game together in 1974, and the Company has been the primary…