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Arkivji Tag: Melco Divertiment

Iċ-Ċina - Melco tiċċelebra tragward tal-kostruzzjoni bi Studio City Phase Two topping out ċerimonja

Melco Resorts & Entertainment, a leading global developer, owner and operator of integrated resort facilities, today held a topping out ceremony and unveiled the design concept for the highly anticipated Studio City Phase 2, scheduled to complete before end of December 2022. The Ceremony was hosted by Lawrence Ho, Chairman and CEO of Melco Resorts…

Iċ-Ċina - Melco jittama għal 'triq bla xkiel' 'l quddiem mingħajr każijiet ġodda ta' COVID f'144 jum

Melco Resorts’ revenues for the second quarter of 2020 were US$0.18bn, representing a decrease of approximately 88 per cent from US$1.46bn for the comparable period in 2019. The decrease in total operating revenues was primarily attributable to softer performance in all gaming segments and non-gaming operations as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, which resulted…

Ċipru – Melco jerġa’ jiftaħ il-Casinos ta’ Ċipru bil-post ta’ Larnaka se jitlaq mill-ajruport

Cyprus Casinos ‘C2’, the first and only authorised casinos in the Republic of Cyprus, has welcomed back guests to its gaming floors on June 13 to a safe and pleasant environment, closely adhering to all the relevant guidelines issued by the Minister of Health. Guests can once again experience their favourite games and the highest…

Ġappun – Melco jibqa’ ffukat fuq ir-rebħ tal-liċenzja ta’ Yokohama minkejja t-tnaqqis tal-COVID-19

Despite its Q1 revenues being savaged by the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic with a US$364m loss, Melco Resorts has said it won’t be pulling out of the race for an integrated resort in Yokohama like rival operator Las Vegas Sands. Revenue was down 40 per cent across the board to US$964m, with EBITDA down…

Ċipru – Melco jiftaħ ir-raba’ każinò bis-satellita f’Ċipru bil-ftuħ ta’ Paphos

Iċ-Ċipru Casinos (C2) ta' Melco Entertainment fetaħ ir-raba' każinò bis-satellita tiegħu f'Ċipru bid-debutt ta' 50 slot gaming floor f'Geroskipou, Paphos. Il-president ta’ C2 Casinos Craig Ballantyne qal: “Ninsabu ferħanin li qed inniedu r-raba’ u l-aħħar każinò bis-satellita tagħna, wara l-ftuħ ta’ C2 Limassol, l-ewwel każinò liċenzjat fuq…

L-Awstralja – Il-koronavirus ifixkel il-ftehim ta’ Melco għal aktar ishma fil-Kuruna

The threat of the coronavirus has scuppered its first merger and acquisition deal with Melco Entertainment axing plans for a second purchase of a 9.99 per cent share in Australian casino operator Crown with the closure of Melco’s Macau casinos and the fall in the tourism sector being blamed. The total planned purchase, announced last…

Ġappun – Ho pitch spiża tal-bini ta 'IR metropolitani fil-Ġappun 'il fuq minn US $ 10 biljun

In an interview with Bloomberg, Lawrence Ho, Melco Resorts & Entertainment Chairman and CEO, has pitched the cost of building a metropolitan IR in Japan at being upwards of US$10bn. Mr. Ho said: “To build the greatest and most amazing IR in the world in Japan needs to be situated in a city where the…

Ċipru – L-Awtorità tas-Superviżjoni tal-Logħob u l-Casinos ta’ Ċipru ma tieħu l-ebda ċans bil-junkets

L-Awtorità tas-Superviżjoni tal-Logħob u l-Casinos ta’ Ċipru ffirmat tliet kumpaniji differenti biex iwettqu kontrolli fuq operaturi internazzjonali tal-junkets qabel ma jitħallew jaħdmu ma’ City of Dreams Mediterranean. Il-każinò resort ta’ 500m li se jiftaħ f’Ċipru fl-2021 se jitmexxa minn Melco Resorts & Entertainment, kumpanija li għandha...

Ċipru – City of Dreams Mediterranean biex ittaffi d-dipendenza tal-gżira fuq it-turiżmu tas-sajf

City of Dreams Mediterranean għandha l-għan li tattira 300,000 turist lejn Ċipru kull sena wara l-ftuħ propost tagħha fl-aħħar tal-2021, u b'hekk il-gżira tkun inqas dipendenti fuq it-turiżmu staġjonali. Craig Ballantyne, President tal-Proprjetà ta’ City of Dreams Mediterranean and Cyprus Casinos, qal: “Bil-ftuħ tal-Integrated Casino Resort, aħna nimmiraw li nattiraw...