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Arkivji Tag: Melco Resorts

Ċipru – Melco lura biex tagħmel profitt f'Ċipru

Il-każinò temporanju ta’ Melco Resorts & Entertainment u erba’ każinòs bis-satellita f’Ċipru reġgħu jagħmlu profitt wara l-ftuħ mill-ġdid riċenti tagħhom. Għat-trimestru li ntemm fit-30 ta’ Ġunju 2021, id-dħul totali operattiv f’Ciprus Casinos kien ta’ US$10m, meta mqabbel ma’ US$3.5m fit-tieni kwart tal-2020. Cyprus Casinos ġġeneraw EBITDA Aġġustat negattiv ta’ US$0.8m…

China – Altira Macau to refocus on premium mass gaming

Melco Resorts has confirmed it will pull the plug on the VIP operations at Altira Macau with a shift of strategy seeing it concentrate on the premium mass gaming sector. The transformation is expected to take 12 months to be completed. Melco’s Chairman and CEO Lawrence Ho said: “At Altira, starting in the third quarter…

Iċ-Ċina - Melco inaqqas it-telf operattiv hekk kif l-EBIDTA jerġa' lura fil-każinos kollha tiegħu tal-Makaw

Melco Resorts iġġenera telf operattiv għat-tieni kwart tal-2021 ta 'US$ 128.1m, meta mqabbel ma' telf operattiv ta 'US$ 370.8m fit-tieni kwart tal-2020. Dħul operattiv totali għat-tieni kwart tal-2021 kien ta' US$ 566.4m, li jirrappreżenta żieda ta' bejn wieħed u ieħor 222 fil-mija minn US$175.9m għall-perjodu komparabbli fl-2020. Iż-żieda f’...

China – Melco Resorts & Entertainment announces share purchase and award program

Melco Resorts & Entertainment has adopted a Share Purchase and Award Program to recognise the dedication and commitment of its employees and provide eligible employees the opportunity to benefit from the Company’s long-term growth. The Share Purchase and Award Program applies to eligible employees who agreed in 2020, at the height of the COVID-19 pandemic,…

Japan – Genting Singapore and Melco make it through to Yokohama final

Genting Singapore and Melco Resorts & Entertainment have made it through to the final round of the qualification screening process for Yokohama’s Request for Proposal (RFP) to build an Integrated Resort casino at Yamashita Pier. With Galaxy, SBM, Wynn and Las Vegas Sands all pulling out of the race over the last year, it meant…

China – Revenues fall 36 per cent but loss improves for Melco

Macau casino group Melco Resorts & Entertainment saw its net loss improve during the three months to March 31 2021, reaching US$232.9m compared to a loss of US$364m for the same time period last year. The loss increased from quarter to quarter though rising from a loss of US$199.7m in the fourth quarter of 2020….

Iċ-Ċina – Melco tirċievi akkreditazzjoni tal-logħob responsabbli minn parti terza RG Check

Melco Resorts & Entertainment sar l-ewwel operatur ta’ resorts integrat fil-Makaw u l-Filippini li kiseb l-akkreditazzjoni ta’ logħob responsabbli minn parti terza internazzjonali stmata RG Check, bil-portafoll ta’ resorts integrat kollu tiegħu inkluż Altira Macau, City of Dreams Macau, Studio City u City of Dreams Manila qed tirċievi ċ-ċertifikazzjoni. Żviluppat mill-Logħob Responsabbli...

China – Studio City Phase 2 wins BREEAM Awards 2021 regional accolade

Melco Resorts & Entertainment announces Studio City Phase 2 has been named winner of the ‘Regional Award, Asia’ at BREEAM Awards 2021. The international BREEAM Awards is an annual celebration recognizing the people, projects and organizations who are leading the way with significant achievements in sustainable building design, development and management. Denise Chen, Senior Vice…

Ċipru – City of Dreams Mediterranean għadha fit-triq għad-debutt tas-sajf 2022

City of Dreams Mediterranean, l-ewwel resort integrat (IR) ta' Ċipru u l-akbar fl-Ewropa u fir-reġjun usa', qed javvanza sew lejn it-tlestija. Il-kostruzzjoni miexja bla xkiel, bl-IR se tiftaħ fis-Sajf tal-2022. L-iżvilupp tal-proġett issa huwa disponibbli għall-wiri permezz ta 'filmati impressjonanti ta' drone mill-ajru prodotti mill-Belt...