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Arkivji Tag: Ohio

L-Istati Uniti – BetMGM jagħti dettalji dwar l-ewwel prodott tat-tiġrijiet taż-żwiemel

BetMGM ħabbret it-tnedija tal-app mobbli BetMGM Horse Racing f'Ohio, li stabbiliet l-istadju għad-dħul tal-app fi swieq addizzjonali madwar il-pajjiż kollu. BetMGM Horse Racing jippermetti lill-klijenti ta' Buckeye State jaraw u mħatri fuq it-tiġrijiet tal-premier Thoroughbred, Harness u Quarter Horse f'aktar minn 200 binarju madwar id-dinja. “Aħna kburin li...

US - MaximBet f'Ohio u Pennsylvania

Il-kumpanija tal-investiment tal-K International Group MaximBet.com, il-marka tal-istil tal-ħajja ewlenija għall-imħatri sportivi u l-każinò onlajn, kisbet aċċess għas-suq f’Ohio u Pennsylvania. Wara li tnieda b'suċċess f'Colorado aktar kmieni dan ix-xahar, inkluż il-kisba ta' numru rekord ta' mħatri fi tmiem il-ġimgħa tal-ftuħ tal-istaġun tal-futbol professjonali, MaximBet qed jespandi malajr il-firxa tiegħu fi...

US – Ohio continues hot gaming streak with best ever August revenue

Ohio’s casino and racino sector enjoyed their most profitable ever August last month with a new monthly record of $194.3m in gambling revenue, maintaining the state’s most profitable run ever. The state’s 11 casinos and racinos, which include big name operators such as MGM and JACK, beat the previous August record of $172.1m, set last…

L-Istati Uniti – L-imħatri tal-kjosk fil-bars u r-ristoranti miżjuda mal-kont tal-imħatri sportivi ta’ Ohio

The Ohio Senate has given its consent to new laws allowing sports betting in Ohio with 53 licenses up for grabs including new licenses for bars who will be able to operate two betting kiosks per location. The bill will now go to the Ohio House of Representatives for consideration. Whilst 25 of these licenses…

L-Istati Uniti – Get Gaming Right Ohio jopponi l-Abbozz tas-Senat 176

Assoċjazzjoni msejħa Get Gaming Right Ohio qalet li topponi l-passaġġ tas-Senat Bill 176, li jwassal għal żieda massiva fil-magni tal-logħob tal-azzard stil każinò madwar Ohio. L-abbozz jawtorizza wkoll sa 10 slot machines sottoregolati fi kważi 900 post madwar l-istat. Il-postijiet il-ġodda tal-logħob tal-azzard ma jiġux intaxxati...

US - SB 176 jista 'joħloq 100s ta' postijiet tal-logħob tal-azzard mhux regolati f'Ohio

The latest draft of legislation from Senate Bill 176 would lead to a massive increase in casino-style gambling machines across Ohio. The Ohio Select Committee on Gaming has released a substitute version of SB 176, which would authorize an unlimited number of underregulated slot machines in nearly 900 locations across the state. The new gambling…

US – Ohio to launch 40 betting licences but casinos won’t host retail sports books

Ohio senators want to launch sports betting in the state with 40 three-year sports betting licenses priced $1m each, potentially up for grabs. Legislators are aiming to pass the bill by the end of June. But as is the case in most other states, casinos won’t be allowed to offer retail sports books. Of these…

US – Mass proliferation of slots would have severe consequences for Ohio

As the Ohio General Assembly pursues an open process to determine the best way to allow sports betting, out-of-state operators are pushing for a mass proliferation of gambling that Spectrum Gaming says is wrong for Ohio. House Bill 65 would allow an estimated 876 locations for underregulated casino-style slot machines, providing unprecedented gambling access to…

US – JACK Thistledown Racino launches climate-controlled ‘outdoor’ gaming

JACK Thistledown Racino has built Revel Oak, a brand new 12,000-square-foot outdoor gaming patio, featuring two levels of exciting gaming action in an elegantly designed space unlike any other found in the State of Ohio. The sophisticated design of the patio allows guests to comfortably enjoy the available amenities in an open-air setting through its…