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Arkivji Tag: Paris

France – The Pierre Charron Club reopens in Paris

The Pierre Charron Club has now reopened in Paris whilst the Club Montmartre is waiting until June 30 to resume its activity. A spokesperson for the Pierre Charron Club said: “We will have great pleasure in having you play seven or eight players per poker table; four players at the Big Games, respecting the sanitary…

France – Club Joa Royale closes permanently in Paris

Club Joa Royale will not reopen with the Lyon group deciding to ‘refocus on its core business and continue its development by strengthening the games and leisure axis like the Group’s last casino, built in the town of St Laurent-en. -Grandvaux (Jura).’ Club Joa Royale was forced to ‘close its doors in mid-March 2020, only…

Franza – Żewġ klabbs tal-logħob Pariġini jibqgħu magħluqa sakemm jitneħħew ir-restrizzjonijiet tal-COVID

Żewġ klabbs Pariġini għażlu li ma jerġgħux jiftħu fil-klima attwali ristretta mill-COVID b'wieħed jispjega 'l-logħob irid jibqa' ta' pjaċir.' Il-Club Pierre Charron ikkonferma li ma reġax fetaħ fid-9 ta’ Ġunju bil-klabb ta’ Montmartre wkoll jieħu l-istess deċiżjoni. Il-Club Pierre Charron stqarr: “Kuljum inkejlu l-ħerqa tal-plejers tagħna biex...

Franza – Club Barrière jerġa’ jiftaħ fid-9 ta’ Ġunju

Le Club Barrière Paris huwa kuntent 'għall-impjegati tiegħu, il-klijenti tiegħu u għall-professjoni kollha li jkunu jistgħu jerġgħu jiftħu l-bibien mill-Erbgħa, 9 ta' Ġunju bl-aktar rispett strett għall-miżuri tas-saħħa u soġġetti għall-evoluzzjoni tal-pandemija.' Minn dik id-data, il-Klabb Barrière “se jerġa’ jiftaħ minn 12:00 pm sa…

Franza – Il-klabb tal-logħob illegali ta’ kwalità għolja magħluq f’Pariġi

Każin lussuż taħt l-art ingħalaq f’Pariġi mis-Servizz Ċentrali tat-Tlielaq u l-Logħob (SCCJ). Mill-pandemija tal-koronavirus u l-għeluq ta’ klabbs u każinos tal-logħob approvati, l-istabbilimenti tal-logħob illegali mmultiplikaw fit-territorju u b’mod partikolari fir-reġjun ta’ Pariġi, fi ħwienet jew appartamenti ta’ wara kif muri l-aħħar...

France – Club Circus Paris takes legal action following order for Parisian gaming clubs to close again

Club Circus Paris is taking legal action to try and stay in operation, following announcements that all gaming clubs in Paris must close again. The announcement was made by Paris police prefect, Didier Lallement, who said Paris and the inner suburbs were now in a state of maximum health alert, as part of the fight…

France – GAMING1 celebrates Circus Club Paris’ first birthday

GAMING1 has hailed the success of its Circus Club Paris gaming hall as it seeks to grow the Circus brand in France. The club, which launched in September 2019, was only possible following the French government’s decision in January 2018 to allow certain gambling clubs in the capital, as casinos are restricted. Despite the challenges…

France – Joa opens Parisian games club becoming seventh to open

The Club Joa Royale games club opened its doors discreetly in mid-January in Paris, at 12 rue Royale in the 8th arrondissement, between Place de la Concorde and Place de la Madeleine. It is the seventh game club in the capital. The building houses four floors and five levels, including the basement dedicated to poker….

Franza – 'esperiment' tal-klabb tal-logħob ta' Pariġi estiż b'sentejn

Government officials in France have moved to extend the trial period for the new style of gaming clubs in Paris for another two years, due to their late opening. The Senate approved the extension in the 2020 finance bill, postponing the end of the testing of gaming clubs in Paris to December 31, 2022. The…