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Arkivji Tag: Pechanga Resort Casino

US – Zitro’s 88 Link Lucky Charms and Wild Duels to debut at Pechanga Resort

Zitro USA is eagerly anticipating the debut this month of its 88 Link Lucky Charms and Wild Duels Progressive Multi-Game machines at Pechanga Resort Casino, in Temecula, California. The games feature an exciting, new ultra-slim Allure Cabinet with 3 x 27” HD LCD monitors, along with syncroscreen features. With five levels of progressives, and the…

US – Passport Technology’s LiveCage exceeds expectations at Pechanga

Passport Technology, a leading, worldwide provider of payment technology to the gaming industry, surpassed all internal milestones and exceeded Pechanga Resort Casino’s expectations after a multi-year product performance review of Passport’s LiveCage platform. Passport’s LiveCage platform automates cash dispensed transactions, reports, and monitoring through a suite of proprietary software and cash dispensing hardware. The platform…

L-Istati Uniti – Casinos tribali l-ewwel fis-suq bl-aħħar innovazzjonijiet ta 'Everi

Tliet proprjetajiet ewlenin tal-każinò tribali saru l-ewwel li skjeraw l-aħħar pjattaformi tal-hardware tal-logħob tal-Everi Holdings u esperjenzi ta’ divertiment. Il-kabinett il-ġdid kollu Empire Flex li fih Beast iddebutta reċentement f'Coushatta Casino Resort f'Kinder, Louisiana, il-kabinett il-ġdid Empire DCX li fih il-logħba tal-islots b'tema The Mask iddebutta f'Pechanga Resort Casino f'Temecula, California,...

US - Line-up imħabbra għal National Indian Gaming Expo

Operaturi u fornituri se jingħaqdu f'Settembru f'Settembru biex jiffokaw fuq wieħed mis-suġġetti l-aktar diskussi fil-pajsaġġ tal-logħob tal-lum - imħatri sportivi - fil-Konferenza u l-Expo ta' Nofs is-Sena tal-Assoċjazzjoni Nazzjonali tal-Logħob Indjan tal-2018. L-avveniment, li jseħħ bejn il-25 u s-27 ta’ Settembru fil-Pechanga Resort & Casino f’Temecula, CA,...

L-Istati Uniti - Gary Platt jipprovdi lil Pechanga Resort & Casino b'siġġijiet ta' slot

B'espansjoni ta 'resort ta' $300m issa li toffri kumditajiet ta 'lussu kompluti, Pechanga Resort & Casino hija ġojjell tal-kuruna fil-pajsaġġ tal-logħob Tribali, u Gary Platt Manufacturing ipprovda b'mod esklussiv 4,400 siġġu ta' Slot tal-Art Prinċipali għall-mod tal-każinò. Il-mistednin issa jqattgħu ħin fil-każinò jilagħbu f'kumdità bla qabża fil-mudell tas-siġġu Lido ta' Gary Platt. “Meta aħna...

US – Pechanga relaunches as largest resort casino on the West Coast

The Pechanga Band of Luiseño Indians’ official Grand Opening ribbon cutting Saturday, March 3 in front of the all-glass enclosed lobby kicked off a stunning weekend of concerts, firework displays and VIP parties that officially opened the Tribe’s $300m resort expansion. Now the largest resort/casino on the West Coast, with a 200,000 sq. ft. gaming…

US - Xjentifiku biex tinstalla 4,200 iVIEW4s f'Pechanga Resort

Il-Logħob Xjentifiku dalwaqt se jgħaqqad l-akbar każinò-resort tal-Kosta tal-Punent b'4,200 kontrollur ġdid ta' interface tal-plejers iVIEW4 fuq l-apparat. Pechanga Resort & Casino f'Temecula, California, ta lil Logħob Xjentifiku l-kuntratt biex jinstallaw l-unitajiet tat-teknoloġija li rebħu l-għotja ġewwa l-slot machines kollha madwar l-art tal-każinò ta '200,000 pied kwadru tagħha. iVIEW4 jipprovdi opportunitajiet ta' kummerċjalizzazzjoni u esperjenzi tal-plejers bla konfront...

US – Aristocrat’s The Walking Dead II makes world premiere at Pechanga

When Aristocrat unleashed the original The Walking Dead Slot Game, the gaming industry named it “Slot Product of the Year,” and players herded to the game, naming it the #1 best penny slot, among others. Now the highly anticipated follow up game, The Walking Dead II Slot Game, is making its world premiere today at…

US – Pechanga kick starts $285m resort expansion

The Pechanga Band of Luiseno Indians held a ceremonial ground breaking on its much anticipated $285m resort expansion. Tribal officials gathered around a circular mound of dirt near the property’s hotel entrance and sunk their gold-gilded shovels into the ground as Tribal Members, local officials, the media and resort management looked on and cheered. When…